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156 MPH

Like Al Sharpton said about Mike Brown, now don't you go and slander that poor boys name. That was after he push a store owner and stole some cigars from him, all on tape and recorded for the world to see minutes before he was shot. Totally miss understood and just blaming him because he's black.
First of all and most importantly, a very sad story. So sad this poor woman and her dog perished.

One thing that strikes me. What, he hit her at 127 MPH? If you replaced their cars with two cars from the 60s, all occupants in both cars would likely have been killed instantly in the initial impact. It seems the poor woman died due to the fire, and not due to the initial impact. The fact that anyone lived is impressive. The protection modern day cars provide is really quite amazing.
Sad indeed. The difference here is that even in my teens and 20s, I was smart enough to go to desolate areas to do that type of stuff, alcohol or not. Vegas is surrounded by desolation...
Out on bail,,only set at $150,000. Chicken feed
On October 4, 2004, I lost my fiancé to a drunk driver. That was a phone call I will never forget. It took a long time for me to come to grips with what happened. I blamed a lot of people, including myself, for her death. She survived the accident, and was on her way to making a recovery but succumbed to a brain aneurism about 2 months later. The drunk driver survived the accident . I don't know what ever happened to him, or where he is now. Even though I moved on and eventually married, I think of Mel often. I hope he does too and remembers the lives he forever changed.

accident (1).jpg accident me (2).jpg Mel0704 (3).jpg
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Ruggs’ lawyers have asked the public to “to reserve judgment until all the facts are gathered.”

127 in a 45, and multiple times the legal blood alcohol level....yeah...what other facts do we need?

So sad to hear. God rest the poor girl and her equally-innocent dog. Hope Ruggs fries for it.
Of most the wrecks I’ve been on, drunks float around the cabin or flop out like jelly for some reason..
I really hope and pray she felt no pain, burning is worse than drowning I do believe. God bless her and her family, including her little dog. That poor woman, her dog,and family
My Prayers go out to you and her family. I lost a little brother to being shot trying to stop a man trying to steal a radio out of his friends car. Losing a family member is always a tough one. Especially under those circumstances. The best to you my friend.
Terrible tragedy. It it makes you wonder... how long before insurance companies refuse to write a policy unless your car has an “Obama box”.

That will truly be the end of these cars for most of us.
Of most the wrecks I’ve been on, drunks float around the cabin or flop out like jelly for some reason..
I really hope and pray she felt no pain, burning is worse than drowning I do believe. God bless her and her family, including her little dog. That poor woman, her dog,and family
Actually statically most the deaths are the drunk driver. (Many from single vehicle crashes.) In multiple vehicle? I believe the drunk driver fairs better because he or she is the vehicle that typically is carrying most the energy. And that energy is then transferred to what they hit. But there is no mistaking that one who is under the influence driving skillset is diminished. In many cases? Greatly diminished. And maybe even more importantly? Poor decision making.
The way I read that, the criminal gets to decide his sentence. The plea deal gets him what could be as little as three years, though he originally faced fifty. If the judge recognizes the ridiculousness of that, and decides on more...... he gets to back out of the guilty plea (which he so OBVIOUSLY IS!), and cost society the price of a worthless trial.......!
Who the f@#k makes these ridiculous plea deals? Me? You're doing 50, asshole!
When you have money you can get away with just about anything.
Doesn't take driving while drunk to do it, just impatient and passing with oncoming traffice... this was during a classic car parade last year...(which will no longer be held because of it..)

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