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1816 The Year Without Summer

If only the Enviro wacko's would learn some history. Climate change... who/what causes it, when has the climate NOT changed. What arrogant fools they are.
Since I was a kid I was fascinated by volcanic eruptions. That’s one of the real standouts though, cold everywhere, crop failures etc. Another interesting one was the shock wave from Krakatoa, blew out the eardrums of sailors on a British ship 40 miles away. Here’s a mini sample.
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If only the Enviro wacko's would learn some history. Climate change... who/what causes it, when has the climate NOT changed. What arrogant fools they are.
So you're an environment expert? I think you're the arrogant fool for not giving a damn what kind of world we leave our children. If you think billions of people and machinery don't at least affect the air we breathe and the water we drink you are the wacko one.
And dim wits like AOC proclaim the end of the world in less than eight years because of power plants & SUV's. How F'cking ignorant.
So you're an environment expert? I think you're the arrogant fool for not giving a damn what kind of world we leave our children. If you think billions of people and machinery don't at least affect the air we breathe and the water we drink you are the wacko one.

I'm not an expert but I can observe that mankind is small compared to the rest of nature. Billons of people and machinery do have an effect on the world environment, but not to the degree that Nature does. What were the climatologists saying in the mid '70's... "the next ICE Age is upon us". Within a few years that turned into global warming, then climate change. About 10,000 years ago where I'm standing was under about 15 feet of glacier. So ya the climate does change, and not by coal power plants & SUV's.

So you're an environment expert? I think you're the arrogant fool for not giving a damn what kind of world we leave our children. If you think billions of people and machinery don't at least affect the air we breathe and the water we drink you are the wacko one.
And what you are obviously failing to see is that it is Mother Nature that is always in charge of Mother Earth no matter how much man caused you think is responsible!!! We are a very small part if that...cr8crshr/Bill:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Another Krakatoa and then crop failures no one would be talking about climate change. They be worried about their next meal.
So you're an environment expert? I think you're the arrogant fool for not giving a damn what kind of world we leave our children. If you think billions of people and machinery don't at least affect the air we breathe and the water we drink you are the wacko one.
Air/water pollution and climate change are two
different things. That big orange thing in the
sky is what regulates our climates, not exhaust
billowing from a '58 DeSoto, or methane
emittance from millions of grass eating
Despite the opinion of the climate change believers, history proves that ice and snow are a rarity on earth in the past 500my.
From another article in that link....

"We should be heading into another ice age right now," Sandstrom told Live Science. But two factors related to Earth's orbit that influence the formation of glacials and interglacials are off. "That, coupled with the fact that we pump so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere [means] we're probably not going to enter a glacial for at least 100,000 years," he said.

And the problem is ........ ??????
I'm not an expert but I can observe that mankind is small compared to the rest of nature. Billons of people and machinery do have an effect on the world environment, but not to the degree that Nature does. What were the climatologists saying in the mid '70's... "the next ICE Age is upon us". Within a few years that turned into global warming, then climate change. About 10,000 years ago where I'm standing was under about 15 feet of glacier. So ya the climate does change, and not by coal power plants & SUV's.
Okay fool. Explain to me why the polar ice caps are melting at such a fast rate?
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