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1816 The Year Without Summer

Liberal Climate Change 1st Summit.jpg

Liberal Climate Change 1917-2016 - 99 years of Sea Rise Palm Beach Sydney.jpg

Liberal Climate Change 41 attempts at predictions since 1967 so far 0-41.jpg

Liberal Climate Change Junk Science - Global Warming.png

Liberal Climate Change Polar Bears hoax-lies.jpg
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after Mt St. Hellens blew 1980 (?)
it was sort of strange out here for a couple years...

IMO our weather & climate has changed a lil' since
that event. Mother Nature is a cruel bitch at times
puts US lowly humans (a mere spec in Earth's history/time) in our place...

IF or when Yellowstone's caldera blows (it's overdue)
it will be extended an winter/s, for most of the northern hemisphere
& serious 'actual' climate change, not fabricated political rhetoric BS...

Almost all for green $$$ fed. grant scams, filling political coffer/bleeding-hearts
"selective bias science" :jackoff: telling certain politicians what they want to hear,
so they get their grants $$$
many are failed/fudged false predictions (theory)
& failed fudged models (guesses)
& not the facts/truth
follow the $$$, it never lies
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"The Sky Is Falling", by Dr. Chicken Little.
So you're an environment expert? I think you're the arrogant fool for not giving a damn what kind of world we leave our children. If you think billions of people and machinery don't at least affect the air we breathe and the water we drink you are the wacko one.

By the way, although I'm not an an "environment expert" I did spend my 40 year professional career working for an agency directly involved in environmental protection and preserving our water quality.
I also remember something I learned in engineering school, the results of data analysis depend on many factors. Which data points are used, which discarded, which data sources are used & are they the same, does the instrumentation used to collect the data have the same precision over time and from location to location and other factors that influence the analysis such as computational capacity which changes over time.
I suggest you take a look at http://divediscover.whoi>ice-ages to get an idea of a big thing that causes "climate change". Stuff that is bigger than man.
Okay fool. Explain to me why the polar ice caps are melting at such a fast rate?
Did you know for most of earths history, there were NO polar ice caps ? Why, like others of your ilk, resort to juvenile disparaging personal insults ?
Okay fool. Explain to me why the polar ice caps are melting at such a fast rate?
You are aware are you not that the Earths Polar Axis shifted approximately 4 degrees? That obviously explains possibly the sudden melt!!! Or you a denier of that also??? cr8crshr/Bill:usflag::usflag::usflag:
Since I was a kid I was fascinated by volcanic eruptions. That’s one of the real standouts though, cold everywhere, crop failures etc. Another interesting one was the shock wave from Krakatoa, blew out the eardrums of sailors on a British ship 40 miles away. Here’s a mini sample.

Was at Ft Lewis WA when St. Helens blew up. Walking across a parking lot to the chow hall when it went BOOM! I happened to be at a school for Nuclear-Biological-Chemical warfare at the time and we were all sure it was a nuclear blast. We hit the ground and then when there was no over pressure, no EMP hit we turned on the TV in the chow hall to watch the news. What a mess. Convoyed down through to the Oregon coast two weeks later to swim the Gamma Goats in the surf, drove right over the Toutle river...trees down everywhere, ash everywhere..
It was freaking LOUD. Saw the ash cloud rise over the horizon and it just kept going up, and up....soldiers and chow hall people had raced down into the basement. Crazy days.
We are experiencing a cool summer here in VT so far...thinking it may have something to do with the Grand Solar Minimum...
We are experiencing a cool summer here in VT so far...thinking it may have something to do with the Grand Solar Minimum...

It's been a miserable 4th of July weekend here in NH. Temps in the 50s, off and non rain and when it wasn't raining, it drizzled. We're calling it quits and heading home.
Happy July 4th Marlyn Monroe -Beware of Danger July 4th-.jpg

It's been a miserable 4th of July weekend here in NH. Temps in the 50s, off and non rain and when it wasn't raining, it drizzled. We're calling it quits and heading home.
It hot out here, it'll be in the mid-low 90*s/38% humidity here
like 4th of July/Independence day 'is supposed to be'
(my favorite holiday & it's birthday month)
no rain in the forecast
there are some thunderclouds way up the mountain/east...

I'm heading out to my Aunt Joan's getaway "cabin"
(3500sqft house)
about 11 or so miles upcountry, it's almost 2,000 ft more elevation
so it's a lil' cooler up there, maybe 5*-7* (85*-89* & even less humid)
lots of huge conifers too, beautuiful country...
I haven't seen her since March 2020...
(we still talk on the phone often, she lives in the east bay)
It'll be a good time Independence day BBQ, all kinds of appetizers
thick fillets, corn, artichokes, fruit-salad, probably potato-salad & deviled eggs
desert, ice cream & homemade blueberry cheesecake...
She goes all out, she's a great cook, my cousin Stan will be BBQ-ing...
We'll probably play cards till all hrs of the evening...

I'm drooling just thinking about it now...

Flag 4th of July Proud to be American.gif
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It's been a miserable 4th of July weekend here in NH. Temps in the 50s, off and non rain and when it wasn't raining, it drizzled. We're calling it quits and heading home.
Here as well, although it has cleared up a little this afternoon.
I'll bite and say this one more time:
Yes...the climate is changing. It is always changing. It has always BEEN changing.
NO....Man is not the cause, or the root problem.
Yes...the things men do DOES cause changes in the air quality, the quality of the oceans, the forests etc....NOBODY denies that this is true.
BUT...."Climate Change" as it's being used to beat money out of us, is a whole other program and one over which we have ZERO control. No matter how many trillions of dollars are thrown at it. It is telling that the trillions we spend on trying is NOT spent to fix the very things that ARE caused by man kinds dominion of Earth.
Why? Might you ask?
Because, THOSE problems aren't sexy enough to rake in the big bucks. Everyone is used to those pesky issues, old news, not shiny and new...
Wake up people, it's a scam. The climate will change regardless of anything man does, or does not do. It always has been , and, it always will be.
History....check it out before you open your mouth and stick your feet inside...
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