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1948 Cartoon - for the Occupy Idiots!

Great cartoon...Lots of it really seems to be happening today...The goverment has way too much control over us all now..Too bad that citys like detroit and pittsburg are a thing of the past...I,m sure everyone has heard that they have been building a new oakland bay bridge...Well the steel came from china and it,s questionable about the quality of the steel now that it has been installed...We are floating in a sinking ship...Unless some thing drastic changes soon.,
Petty Blue 67 gTx
Looks just like Obama's Socialist Crap

This cartoon needs to be run on national TV again for the socialist half of the contry to see. Watch the entire thing - and remember its from 1948!


"That is a little dated but it says it perfectly" They should run that on every station on Radio & TV, the liberals & lame main stream media seam to forget how we fought to keep communist/socialism/facshist {spelling?} away from the U.S. of A., we lost many, many, great men/women in the process to protect us from this $hit, in WWI, WWII, Korea & Vietnam to protect our country from that leftist socialist $hit, now look at the Democratic Party Socialist Progressive Liberal Leftist Share/spread the wealth crap the far left leaning Obama administration is trying to shove this class warfare & socialism down our gullets once again... People need to wake up vote & stand up for you civil rights as Americans a Republic institution, not a democratic liberal leftist progressive socialist communist institution, look how good that goes for all the other countries that have tried socialism/communism share/spread the wealth types of govt. systems, they all fail sooner or later.... If you want money get a damn job or start a company, get off welfare, you don't need the damn govt. to give it to the poor & take it from the wealthy or working classes, the country will be the better for it, poor & rich alike...
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It's dated but that's the beauty in it. It shows that 60 years ago we had people trying to tear away at the very guts of our country by selling their snake oils too. Unfortunately these days their numbers have grown significantly - and now they've all but taken over the media and education systems and transformed half the population into govenrment controlled sheep..
It's dated but that's the beauty in it. It shows that 60 years ago we had people trying to tear away at the very guts of our country by selling their snake oils too. Unfortunately these days their numbers have grown significantly - and now they've all but taken over the media and education systems and transformed half the population into govenrment controlled sheep..

I cant do anything but agree, I believe they want us as puppets, And now with the computer you can add the world wide internet. The cartoon itself was funny but so close to whats happening and progressing..
Wow that really hits home, that was awesome! Especially the last few minutes where he was talking about class warfare and religious intolerance.

Anyone know how to get a copy of this so my daughter can take it to school
I had this little epiphany today on the way home from WORK! You know, that thing you have to do in order to have a house and eat? Oh, wait, you have Section 8 and food stamps, never mind! The Dems promise if you vote for us, "we will GIVE you "this". The GOP says if you vote for us, "we wont take it from you and GIVE it to them!" I'm not against charity, but forced charity, [welfare for able-bodied folks] goes against my grain. I HAVE been homeless, I HAVE gone three days without eating. What did I do? I joined the Army and GAVE to my country. Best thing I ever did! They put me on the path to success. And I have had a great life and professional success using the things they taught me.
The cartoon is spot on and reinforces that we are having the same political arguments that have been going on for hundreds of years.
If anyone has time to read, I encourage the reading of Atlas Shrugged, a book written 50 years ago by a woman named Ayn Rand. She was from Europe and had experienced the opposite of capitalism. Remarkably, some things that seem ridiculous in her book are paralleling what is happening today.
The problems created by an overreaching over regulating government can only be fixed by more regulation from the same government with backup from science paid for by the same government. Sound familiar?
The cartoon is spot on and reinforces that we are having the same political arguments that have been going on for hundreds of years.
If anyone has time to read, I encourage the reading of Atlas Shrugged, a book written 50 years ago by a woman named Ayn Rand. She was from Europe and had experienced the opposite of capitalism. Remarkably, some things that seem ridiculous in her book are paralleling what is happening today.
The problems created by an overreaching over regulating government can only be fixed by more regulation from the same government with backup from science paid for by the same government. Sound familiar?

You know what frightens the hell out of me is I'm not sure how many of us John Q Public's are left. There are way too many stupid people out there.... Yes I said stupid people who actually agree with Karl Marx. “From Each according to their ability – To each according to their need”. And the favorite saying of the SEIU – “Working of the world unit, the only thing you have to lose is your chains”.
Yet these same stupid people cannot correlate the economic implosion going on in Europe right now was caused by Socialism.

Notice in the cartoon the comment about class warfare....I guess they didn't have evil rich people back then.

I need to see if I can rent the movie Atlas Shrugged
.I HAVE been homeless, I HAVE gone three days without eating. What did I do? I joined the Army and GAVE to my country. Best thing I ever did! They put me on the path to success. And I have had a great life and professional success using the things they taught me.

I can relate to that. By far the best decision I ever made.
It one of the reason I am very defensive when I hear someone who never served, bash the military.
""I HAVE been homeless, I HAVE gone three days without eating. What did I do? I joined the Army and GAVE to my country.""

Funny, I wonder how many of us Vets went in under the same or similar circumstances? I left home after I graduated HS in June and went out west. Found myself a few months later detailing cars in Phoenix for $1.75/hr, without a home to call my own and meals few and far between. I enlisted in October that year broke and hungry, and never looked back... I'm 56 now and semi retired and I know without a doubt that the Army changed my life for the best...
That cartoon's been circulating around a lot lately. There's a lot of truth to it and it's pretty uncanny how it parallels what's going on around us right now.

Funny thing is, I kinda agree with the occupiers, kinda. They're pissed off about the same things that the rest of us are pissed off at, just directing it toward the wrong people. Wall Street has become nothing more than a bunch of greedy MF'ers without a care for what effect they have on the rest of the world but the real problem lies with the folks who allowed them to do this in the first place, our own government. If they really want to make a difference they should occupy the White House lawn or the steps to the Capital Building where all this bullshit originates.

Wall Street didn't repeal Glass-Steagal, the laws which prevented banks from gambling with our savings. Wall Street didn't enact NAFTA, which sent our jobs down to Mexico, and eventually to China. Yes, they 'bought' the politicians who made these laws but the politicians are supposed to be above that. They work for us and need to be reminded of that. That's the stance the Tea Party has taken. The Occupy movement isn't really much different, just barking up the wrong tree (and need to bathe a little more frequently).

P.S. - For those who've served, Thank you.
Wow that really hits home, that was awesome! Especially the last few minutes where he was talking about class warfare and religious intolerance.

Anyone know how to get a copy of this so my daughter can take it to school
Shoot me your email, and I'll send you the video file attached.
Satty, I do agree with you to a point. But if I was paying my kids college, when he was protesting, I would be PISSED! I do have to say, when you are sending junior, or your little princess to school, and they major in LIBERAL ARTS!!, you have just pissed your money away! The point of college [which has been lost over the years] is to teach critical thinking, AND to prepare you for your career field. NOT just to make you more "well-rounded". "I sent my daughter to blah-blah U!" Guess what! Your daughter is a DIPSHIT! And no amount of money, or forced education is gonna fix her! If she's cute, then she will make a good "trophy-wife"! Only the kids that go to college cause they WANT to, will succeed. The rest will just waste your money. We will always need ditch-diggers and waitresses. Not all kids should go to college.
I WISH I had the opportunity to go to college. Meanwhile, I saw friends pissing their time away there. Yeah, guess I'm bitter cause I was poor, and lived in a trailer, and had no dad. I could have tried harder for an academic scholarship, but I didn't know what that was. And without a mentor, or role-model, I had no direction. Thank GOD for the U.S. Army for making my life a success!
Satty, I do agree with you to a point. But if I was paying my kids college, when he was protesting, I would be PISSED! I do have to say, when you are sending junior, or your little princess to school, and they major in LIBERAL ARTS!!, you have just pissed your money away! The point of college [which has been lost over the years] is to teach critical thinking, AND to prepare you for your career field. NOT just to make you more "well-rounded". "I sent my daughter to blah-blah U!" Guess what! Your daughter is a DIPSHIT! And no amount of money, or forced education is gonna fix her! If she's cute, then she will make a good "trophy-wife"! Only the kids that go to college cause they WANT to, will succeed. The rest will just waste your money. We will always need ditch-diggers and waitresses. Not all kids should go to college.
I WISH I had the opportunity to go to college. Meanwhile, I saw friends pissing their time away there. Yeah, guess I'm bitter cause I was poor, and lived in a trailer, and had no dad. I could have tried harder for an academic scholarship, but I didn't know what that was. And without a mentor, or role-model, I had no direction. Thank GOD for the U.S. Army for making my life a success!

You know, having grown up in the 60s I have said many times, that I blame my generation and the 'do it if it feels good" - "every thing goes" - "make love not war" people who came from that era for the problems this country faces today. While many of us eventually grew up and became productive citizens - some of us after spending time serving our country, many of my generation went on a mission back then to avoid the draft by going to college. Since they were not particularly "smart" what did they go to college for ??? Liberal arts - media "sciences", political "science", teaching, etc. Anything that they could do to keep them away from the draft that was easy. Many of these same people unfortunately went on to become the liberal teachers that have ruined our schools and universities, overtaken the "free" press that we once enjoyed and protected, and worse yet - became politicians - of the liberal faith!!!!
I feel the need to appologize for my generation........... :munky2:
Good point Stumper. These folks went from learning, into teaching "academia". Folks with no real-world experience. Just their insulated view of the world from the safety of tenure.
Dont want to brag, but I didn't go to college. I dropped out in 10th grade. But I can finish the New York Times Sunday Crossword in under 3 hours. That is because I read and learn on my own. Not cause my folks spent 100k on my education! As a matter of fact, my dad told me he sent his English Setter to obedience school. I told him " Gee Dad, you spent more on your dogs education then you did on mine!"
I did go to college, and got an engineering degree too - but I did it long after I enlisted and spent three years with Uncle Sam . I can attest to your comment about the kids that I saw in school pissing away opportunity - only there because their parents were footing the bill. They had no interest in learning and no matter what they initially started going to school for, usually wound up in some liberal arts program because that's all they could get by with. College is definitely not for everyone, the world needs both to function properly. What it does not need is more liberal arts majors whinning about not having a job, or not making enough money and trying to blame it on those that worked hard at making a better life for themselves, with or without a degree..
Satty, I do agree with you to a point. But if I was paying my kids college, when he was protesting, I would be PISSED! I do have to say, when you are sending junior, or your little princess to school, and they major in LIBERAL ARTS!!, you have just pissed your money away! The point of college [which has been lost over the years] is to teach critical thinking, AND to prepare you for your career field. NOT just to make you more "well-rounded". "I sent my daughter to blah-blah U!" Guess what! Your daughter is a DIPSHIT! And no amount of money, or forced education is gonna fix her! If she's cute, then she will make a good "trophy-wife"! Only the kids that go to college cause they WANT to, will succeed. The rest will just waste your money. We will always need ditch-diggers and waitresses. Not all kids should go to college.
I WISH I had the opportunity to go to college. Meanwhile, I saw friends pissing their time away there. Yeah, guess I'm bitter cause I was poor, and lived in a trailer, and had no dad. I could have tried harder for an academic scholarship, but I didn't know what that was. And without a mentor, or role-model, I had no direction. Thank GOD for the U.S. Army for making my life a success!

Agreed!!! But I never said I 'support' the protestors, just that I can feel the anger as well. Difference is that some of us have a pretty clear idea as to where the problem lies. The occupiers, especially the ones here in NY don't seem to have a F'ing clue. Wall Street banks are private companies and can do whatever they want with their money and/or pay their execs anything they please. When the government starts forking over OUR money to help them get out of the hole that they themselves created, THAT'S where I take issue. Who authorized the Feds's to give away OUR MONEY? No one consulted with me on the issue, that's for sure!!!

College is a different story. First of all, if I were paying for my kid (he's six, I got a few years) to go to college and found out he was sleeping in a tent down in Zucotti Park when he was supposed to be in class, the purse strings would be cut IMMEDIATELY. Second, college (to me, anyway) is an investment and like any sound investment there should be a return, in this case, a good career. A person who goes to school to major in physics is going to have a rough time getting a job when he/she graduates. It ain't like there are job openings down at the local friendly corner physicists store in every town. That kid made a poor choice and if his/her parents paid for said education, they're as dumb as the kid!!!

Liberal arts can be viewed two ways. If you go to school to study liberal arts with no plan to parlay it into further education then basically you just went to 13th grade. It's useless. However, some of the smarter kids I know (my niece) is going to a local community college for just that. It's cheap, ALL the credits transfer and besides, it's classes that you would have to take no matter what course of study you decide to follow. Might as well get all your English Literature and other bullshit classes out of the way for less (a lot) money than a university. She might even wind up with some sort of scholarship out of the deal.
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