Satty, I do agree with you to a point. But if I was paying my kids college, when he was protesting, I would be PISSED! I do have to say, when you are sending junior, or your little princess to school, and they major in LIBERAL ARTS!!, you have just pissed your money away! The point of college [which has been lost over the years] is to teach critical thinking, AND to prepare you for your career field. NOT just to make you more "well-rounded". "I sent my daughter to blah-blah U!" Guess what! Your daughter is a DIPSHIT! And no amount of money, or forced education is gonna fix her! If she's cute, then she will make a good "trophy-wife"! Only the kids that go to college cause they WANT to, will succeed. The rest will just waste your money. We will always need ditch-diggers and waitresses. Not all kids should go to college.
I WISH I had the opportunity to go to college. Meanwhile, I saw friends pissing their time away there. Yeah, guess I'm bitter cause I was poor, and lived in a trailer, and had no dad. I could have tried harder for an academic scholarship, but I didn't know what that was. And without a mentor, or role-model, I had no direction. Thank GOD for the U.S. Army for making my life a success!