Front fenders...
Apparently, I cannot delay the gratification ;) Actually, I had every intention of massaging the passenger side firewall, but ran into a space issue that my mind has to chew on for a while. There are so many options when it comes to heater boxes. On one hand, I would really like to use the Charger heat/ac unit because the controls would simply plug in and work. But, then, the PT Cruiser unit fits so much better in the truck. But, the PT Cruiser heat/ac unit is physically smaller (with a physically smaller A/C condenser and a smaller inlet/outlet on the small heater core)... So, it won't produce as much cold air (nor will it produce as much heat, but that's of little concern). But the PT Cruiser unit will interface more easily with the dash vents and has completely mechanical controls. There is still the option of going with a minivan unit at the back of the panel van. But... But... But... You understand why my mind is churning.
Yup... Front fenders.
I started off by stripping most of the paint and ancient Bondo off the donor fenders. I picked these rear fenders up from a guy who had them left over from his 1950 (or so) Dodge Pickup build. Paid a pretty penny for them, in my mind, but I was still happy to have them and not have to pay shipping. Once I had them sufficiently stripped, I began to measure and lay down some tape where I might cut them apart. The fenders were 11 1/4" wide... I needed 4" reveal... So cut about 7" off... But not here, only there... Oh... Follow the body... Lots and lots of reckoning, figuring and head scratching happened here.
Actually, I mocked the fenders up in place more than a few times before I had them taped up (not that it really matters at this point). When I really started to look at things, I realized the wheels needed to go on the front end and the truck needed to sit on the ground. So, I spent the next hour or so getting all the stuff out from under the truck and setting her on the ground (Man it's nice to see her on the ground!). After checking the level a few times (and measuring, measuring, measuring), I finally found a happy place for the new fender flares. You may see all the marker lines where I planned to cut it the original fenders. The fender flares ended up about an inch forward of where the openings were in the original fenders. That centered them on the new location for the wheels (hmmmm... I may have just realized why the rear wheels were off by about an inch. I must have placed the entire chassis about an inch forward. Eh... Stuff happens.) Once I had the fenders cut for the flares, I placed the flares and rotated them a bit so the leading and trailing edges line up with the body. I like the placement, but I decided to hold off on welding them in for a day. I figure it may be better to come back with fresh eyes in case I missed something obvious that would need to be taken care of before everything is welded.
The truck is finally taking on the look I wanted! Kind of like a road-racing Panel-Van!
Here are a few pics...
After cutting the new flares, but before committing to a place to cut the old flares off.
After committing to placement of the new fenders.
You can see the wave in the passenger fender that re-presented itself when I cut out the original flare (this is going to take some work to eliminate.
The cut-off sections of fender.