Try For C Bodies Only. My 1956 DeSoto station wagon story; I live in South Jersey and have family, friends and business in Pennsylvania around Philadelphia. So, around 2018 or ’19 I drove through Bristol, PA and sitting out front of a shop was a ’56 Firedome wagon, really ugly and nasty but complete. I joked with my friend who has a shop nearby that I would rollback it to him and he could make it run! Then, last year at the 2020 Carlisle Chrysler show, there she was! $4,000 with a whole bunch of NOS. And it was a 4 barrel car. But 4 barrel cars are Fireflites not Firedomes and they didn’t build Fireflite wagons! Turns out you could order a Fireflite engine in your Firedome wagon. At this year's Chrysler show I am set up in the flea market and talking to my neighbor and he says he has a '56 DeSoto hemi. And says it came out of his friend's wagon! Oh, NO! The landlord of the shop died and after 30 years or so in business the family decided to do something else with the building and they closed. The guy who owned the car went to work at a truck garage and had the car there. Then a truck backed into it and it was unrepairable. Oh, heavy sigh!