Congratulations on your retirement Jim! Now you can start restoring cars for a change lol. Love the twins! Can’t wait to see you progress on those.
Yes outside, no not recommended by Barry. Read the Perfect Paint Job in the FAQ on the SPI website. That is what I did.Hey Jim great idea on the youtube channel. Providing all that restoration insight on video for the wider public is great! Been watching and enjoying it!
Back to the 500. After re-reading on the painting section you stated the next day you did 4 more coats of clear? Can you explain what you did in the sequence and detail? Like did you sand the next day or was the 15 or so hour window the next day ok and you relied on the chemical bond? Also how many initial coats of clear did you put on before the final? Did you clear it outside as well?
I always say my widow and daughter will deal with selling them all off. I can't do it.I'm happy for you Jim... and yet very sad. I couldn't do it... (unless I had to sell her to get a 69 Charger).