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SOLD 1968 Sport Satellite / GTX Headlight Bezels For Sale ... after being accused and stiffed!

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[QUOTE="Cornpatch MO, post: 911575667, member]

...... Bottom line, I have lost a set of bezels............................MO[/QUOTE]

That was a choice you made by refusing to honor your obligation after you commissioned the work. Pay your bill like any other customer does and you get them back.

Enjoy those other bezels on that new "half-priced paint job" Steve.
[QUOTE="Cornpatch MO, post: 911575667, member]

...... Bottom line, I have lost a set of bezels............................MO

That was a choice you made by refusing to honor your obligation after you commissioned the work. Pay your bill like any other customer does and you get them back.

Enjoy those other bezels on that new "half-priced paint job" Steve.[/QUOTE]

You screwed the the wrong person this time. I will cut my loss.. BTW, I didn't negotiate the price on my paint job. I paid him what he charged me , plus I added $700 more work and paid him cash. People up here don't rip off their customers... Maybe you could learn from that ... You want me to continue with the rest of the story about why I gave up on you and bought excellent bezels for much less money than the ones you screwed up and then tried to rip me on the cost? Over twice the price you gave me on your first estimate.. You screwed the pooch when you bad mouthed me after I told you I wouldn't give you a bad recommendation.. You want to keep it up? I have plenty more proof of your false accusations... My wife was also a County attorney legal assistant , retired after several years, and she doesn't trust ANYBODY.. she documents EVERYTHING.. You want to keep this BS up? We can do it !!
Cuda slick... You must of not liked it very well when my wife found your personal facebook page and told the truth. I don't care how much you bad mouthed and slandered me to your little pals with your drama. Did that help you with your ego being bruised? I wonder how many others you have ripped off and are afraid to call you out on it. You really made her feel bad when you blocked her...NOT ! I lost my headlight bezels to you, but since you chose to blame it on me and make it public..you get back a little of what you deserve............................MO
As I asked earlier in the week, PROVE IT.

Just like I could claim you're a child molester I have no proof, and you saying I secretly exchanged your parts -- which are clearly visible in your own FaceBook Cover Photo down to the rock chips and embedded bugs -- with others while knowing you have more than one set -- cannot be proven either.


If you want them back, pay your bill.

If you persist in your continued libelous pursuit in an effort to save face while persecuting me for simply trying to do my job, then post up your "documentation and witness statements." Your actions are nothing but blowing smoke, creating Red Flags right and left that every other site Vendor can see and appreciate far easier than the previous condition of your headlight bezels ... which suspiciously match the ones in your own picture.

As far as siccing your wife on me goes, your allegation about the bezel swap actually reflects more on Billy, the only other one here. He never touched them. If you want to arrange a cage match of significant others it might be fun ... he's 6'5", about 270 pounds and just as pissed as I am.

My ego is as fine and clear as my conscience is. I did nothing wrong ... except agree to take you on as a customer. That mistake will not be repeated.

Note the dates ...


Oh hey, don't you have a car show tomorrow you're supposed to be getting ready for? It was what you claimed you needed the bezels for ... and they were done with plenty of time to ship. The show was probably all BS too though considering the Covid lockdown and your penchant for Fact Invention.
i saw this on the fb,and wondered who was involved....
i must say...im very surprised.
one of them i Know has integrity and i thought the other one did too....?

looks to me like a clear case of owners remorse at finding out his were gonna cost 700 to get redone and he could buy used for 250.
that...really should Not have anything to do with Leannes honor,much less her getting paid....imo
they were your parts,you made the original deal,its your Word that you are breaking.
this looks like a bunch of backdoor excuses and blameshifting...
Pay the Lady.

btw,random thought...how the H does leanne only have 1 feedback?
after working on everyones stuff all these years?
OK you want to continue this BS. The pic you posted , and I have others , show my original bezels that were on the car when I bought it. probably never taken off since the day it left the factory. Nearly perfect condition other than dulled from age . In doing the resto, I took them to one of the best polishers and plating companies anywhere around. I had them take off the original anodizing and polish them. They were going to clear coat them, but we agreed that the painter who was going to put on the black should clear coat to make sure the paint was compatible with the clear coat. I took them there 1-15-19 and they were done 6 weeks afterward. I inspected them when I took off the bezels, the polisher inspected them on arrival, and we both looked at them when I picked them up. the cost on them was $240 for the pair, and this company charges quite a bit for their quality work. The painter put on the clear coat, masked off for the black , and applied black epoxy paint. He and his son inspected both bezels when they masked them off. I didn't put the bezels on until just before June 15. Later on , some of the clear flaked off and I didn't want to take the time to have them done over, so I tried to touch up with a fine haired brush, and did a bad job. The black paint was excellent, it had no clear on it. This was just 6 months before I called you ( Dec 2019) to see if you would want to strip the paint off, touch up polish if needed, clear coat with your super duper stuff you had bragged about, and either powder coat or paint the black as original . You asked me when I would need them back , and I said " before May 1st" You told me you could do that, and give me an estimate on cost when you inspected them. So I mailed them to you immediately. You called me when they arrived, and said they were in pretty good condition and could do the job for $200-$300. That was in the range of what the first polisher charged , so I said to go ahead with it.
I contacted you a couple of times to check on progress and you said mine was working its way up the list. As time was getting close to May 1st, you said you had started on them.. several days later , all I got was excuses. An all Mopar car show was coming the first part of May and I really wanted to make that show. And other important events later in May. It appeared that I would not get my bezels from you in time. So, I decided to try to find new reproduction ones which are available for 1969, but not 1968. I was fortunate to find a pair of excellent ones ( very rare) for about the same as the price you gave me to do mine. I bought them , and then when I got mine back from you, choose the ones that matched my grill best and sell the other set. Everything was going to work out, so no problem.
until....I had given you permission to show my bezels on your powder coat face page, which you did, a before and after pics. And the before pic - I said "something is not right" .. That is all I said . I, and my wife knew the " before" pic was not my bezels. and your description of how bad they had been and how much work you had to do to them. And the damage that was left after you worked them. And then your invoice that showed how many hours and the charges was about double your first quote.. Impossible---I have had experience with polishing aluminum and brass antique items-& motorcycle parts- and know better. What was I to think ? only two possibilities I could come up with . Either someone had exchanged my good ones for bezels that DID need that much work, Or you was ripping me off. When I questioned what happened , with out accusing anyone, You went into an over the top fit. To much of a fit ?????? And then after more discussion, you deleted the posts that made you look bad, and I can prove that.... Good thing I caught that before paying your invoice and then receiving bezels that were worse than than ones I sent you.
I told you I didn't want them , you could do whatever you want with them , sell them, keep the money. And now I see you are trying to rip someone else by trying to sell them for more than the invoice... You still want to keep this BS up? I have more..............


  • Industrial Plating Work Order.pdf
    548.2 KB · Views: 286
  • Phoenix Specialty Invoice.pdf
    379.4 KB · Views: 245
i saw this on the fb,and wondered who was involved....
i must say...im very surprised.
one of them i Know has integrity and i thought the other one did too....?

looks to me like a clear case of owners remorse at finding out his were gonna cost 700 to get redone and he could buy used for 250.
that...really should Not have anything to do with Leannes honor,much less her getting paid....imo
they were your parts,you made the original deal,its your Word that you are breaking.
this looks like a bunch of backdoor excuses and blameshifting...
Pay the Lady.

btw,random thought...how the H does leanne only have 1 feedback?
after working on everyones stuff all these years?
You might want to read my last post . Since I can't wiggle my butt and be a silver tounged " snake" charmer, maybe it will enlighten you with some proof... Keep in mind , I lost my bezels.. what did she lose except a few hours that she will be paid for when she sells my bezels , and getting her ego bruised by someone who isn't so charmed.......BTW... I was going to let it slide , stay quiet, until CC put up this slander post which clearly indicates who she is talking about... I can't let my integrity be further trashed , so I had to defend myself. She has probably gotten by with the droolers plenty of times before....
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We have all over paid for restoration work, but when a person agrees to have work performed they should in reality pay for those services. I had to pay $3550.00 to have a 67 Coronet R/T tail panel restored that only had 12 pits in it. The restorers estimate was only in hours with no $ figure. I should have known but...... I paid.
Jerry, I don't care much what the droolers have to say, but I do value your opinion. Please read my post where I tell my side of the story and the attachments.... I think if you have kept up on all this BS you can figure what is true...........................MO
i saw this on the fb,and wondered who was involved....
i must say...im very surprised.
one of them i Know has integrity and i thought the other one did too....?

looks to me like a clear case of owners remorse at finding out his were gonna cost 700 to get redone and he could buy used for 250.
that...really should Not have anything to do with Leannes honor,much less her getting paid....imo
they were your parts,you made the original deal,its your Word that you are breaking.
this looks like a bunch of backdoor excuses and blameshifting...
Pay the Lady.

btw,random thought...how the H does leanne only have 1 feedback?
after working on everyones stuff all these years?

Site Feedback is only for Buy & Sell posts, and I rarely have to sell anything ... except these bezels, a dual snorkel air cleaner in 2011 (another non-payment) and a big dress up package for a FABO guy because the customer DIED and his widow sold the car.

Customer feedback -- just as they wrote it -- is on my website at http://phoenixspecialtycoatings.com/psc-feedback.html along with a 4.9 out of 5 rating on Facebook. I welcome ALL OF IT because even bad feedback can be a valuable opportunity to correct a problem if one exists; the fact is, no one has ever shared any "bad" feedback with me.

I do not condone or welcome outright lies or baseless allegations though. I was raised to stand up for myself so I did.

Nobody gets away with anything on the internet. If I had a bunch of unhappy customers (or was in the habit of core substitution) SOMEBODY would have said something long before now.

Steve, you should learn the difference between an estimate and a firm set price. If your bezels had actually been in the condition you represented them to be my estimate would have probably been a lot closer to your bill. The price listed in my ad added a hundred bucks for the market value of original bezels; I based that price on YOUR statement about how "rare and desirable" they are and covered my labor, which price has since proven extraordinarily high in comparison to reality and the fact they're still here despite dropping it down to $525.

I invited you to call me to work out an amicable resolution more than once, and even invited you over to search for the bezels you claim are yours. Instead you just keep bumping my thread.

You have your ideas and I have mine, and we are at an impasse. I will not waste any more time kicking your dead horse and will enjoy my reputable, successful shop's 13th Anniversary tomorrow in spite of you.

I might even offer the guys on this forum -- you know, the ones you may also call friends whom you derogatorily referred to as "droolers" [really?!?!?!] -- a sale as a small Thank You for their support over the years.
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bait and switch?
I'm not buying it.
nothing to gain but a ******* headache.
it wouldn't be worth the hassle IMHFO
You might want to read my last post . Since I can't wiggle my butt and be a silver tounged " snake" charmer, maybe it will enlighten you with some proof... Keep in mind , I lost my bezels.. what did she lose except a few hours that she will be paid for when she sells my bezels , and getting her ego bruised by someone who isn't so charmed.......BTW... I was going to let it slide , stay quiet, until CC put up this slander post which clearly indicates who she is talking about... I can't let my integrity be further trashed , so I had to defend myself. She has probably gotten by with the droolers plenty of times before....
yes,that post came After i posted #25
we never really got a full clear story before post #26,so i have no clue why you red xed me.
everything before that was kinda looking like verbal fighting......
thanks for explaining it and btw,its Probably my computer,but i couldnt get the pdf-s to open.
so,im not aware of whats there.

it just doesnt make any sense tho.
im trying to keep an open mind but Wp nailed it,
why would she do that over a set of headlight bezels wheres the profit in any of that?
the risk factor is enormous....business,reputation....

and that last line of yours...was kinda low....imo.
do you really think Car guys would over look Anything of lesser quality for their own cars from a chick thats married across the country even?
i mean,dont get me wrong,im sure shes good looking n all,but,lets be real....
Well after following this from the start I'm none the wiser of who's telling the truth. All I know is someone is going to extraordinary lengths to prove their innocence when they aren't while the other is simply telling it how it is - unless somehow the truth lies somewhere in the middle although that doesn't seem possible in this case. How about agreeing to disagree and moving on, with pride swallowed and reputations mostly intact?
Well after following this from the start I'm none the wiser of who's telling the truth. All I know is someone is going to extraordinary lengths to prove their innocence when they aren't while the other is simply telling it how it is - unless somehow the truth lies somewhere in the middle although that doesn't seem possible in this case. How about agreeing to disagree and moving on, with pride swallowed and reputations mostly intact?

I agree with pretty much all you say here. I feel like defending my integrity and honesty, even more, I have plenty more to say and show about it, but I am through. ............MO
I agree with pretty much all you say here. I feel like defending my integrity and honesty, even more, I have plenty more to say and show about it, but I am through. ............MO

I am a former/current/future customer of Leanna. We traded a lot of back and forth Instagram texts before I was ready to buy and directly dropship a set of new Mopar Performance valve covers and an Edelbrock Air Gap intake. Then I called her at what I figured was a reasonable time, having been at work since 6:00 am and up at 4:30 am. I was wrong! I woke her up! She took my call. We chit chatted while she made coffee - and then we talked business - I asked her what works for colors and such and came up with my "Basic" looked I wanted - and just color one of the Pentastars gold please, that's going on the passenger side. We went over everything and she kept notes on everything so that when I send her more car parts to coatm the color match will be there.

She even applied a generous discount for my military service (Thanks again CudaChick!). When mine made it to the top of her list, we spoke again - she really kept me up to date. She even check fitment on the intake and found a casting flaw that would not all the bolt to seat. Fix it and even reached out to Edlebrock about it. We spoke a lot. Her customer service is pronominal.

Why would any respectable person ship car parts to her to fix and coat, then in the middle of the process, buy another set. Well a reasonable person would not, but a shyster would. You did. Connect the dots. That term has a bit of a legal connection too, so you can probably ask your wife, who used to work at a legal office what it means. I have a daughter who is an actual attorney and went to school at Tulane, she's familiar with that word - it has Yiddish roots. Her firm sues people like you lol.

Listen fella, I am a reasonable person. I've seen all kinds of things and met all kinds of people from all over our world. I'm a voter and a registered Independent. Nobody makes my mind up for me - I look at the facts and then make up my mind, in a fair and reasonable manner. That helped me as a contracting officer for US government as I judged million dollar contracts for many years. I have I've judged you and found you wanting (if you were a man, you'd care, but I know haw this will play out in your head - so I'll not bother with your anticipated reply). You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

You don't get customers like The Petty Garage with shady work. They're kind of big in our Mopar world - and the rest of the car enthusiast world too.

Fix this like a man and quietly leave the internet.
PSC - Finished Product Valve Covers and Intake work bench.jpg
Finished Product Valve Covers and Intake PSC close up.jpg
PSC - Finished Product Valve Covers and Intake work bench.jpg
Finished valve covers - cat approved.jpg
Like I said, I have plenty more to say, and to show, but I am through....Leanna (Cuda Chick) does beautiful work on heavier castings. That is why I called her........................MO
so i read the pdf-s.
the second one is the one that breaks everything down.
didnt see a thing out of place,and she even threw in discounts.
sure looks to me like shes selling the bezels for less than your bill.
so shes losing twice,first her actual time and labor has now vanished into the ether,
and then on the cost of the job/versus actual sale price.

meanwhile,you are already set,you got your bezels from jerry and thats all you needed.
again,it sure looks like you doublecrossed leanne and accused her of swapping your junk just to save a few bucks.
so i read the pdf-s.
the second one is the one that breaks everything down.
didnt see a thing out of place,and she even threw in discounts.
sure looks to me like shes selling the bezels for less than your bill.
so shes losing twice,first her actual time and labor has now vanished into the ether,
and then on the cost of the job/versus actual sale price.

meanwhile,you are already set,you got your bezels from jerry and thats all you needed.
again,it sure looks like you doublecrossed leanne and accused her of swapping your junk just to save a few bucks.

If I gave a fly'in fritz about what you think , I would explain it to you. But I don't . I never ACCUSED anyone of ANYTHING, just trying to figure things out. I don't care about it anymore It just got out of hand. I don't have any hard feelings and I hope Leanna doesn't either.. Go ahead, anyone, say what you want ( if you are chicken shi*) because I won't be reading it.................MO
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This is probably a bit late....but there is not supposed to be commentary in the Classified Advertisements section. :eek:

Having said that, it seems that neither the OP or the 'customer' have reported this...so I'm happy to leave this here until further notice.

I must say that I was also surprised at who the member involved is.
so i read the pdf-s.
the second one is the one that breaks everything down.
didnt see a thing out of place,and she even threw in discounts.
sure looks to me like shes selling the bezels for less than your bill.
so shes losing twice,first her actual time and labor has now vanished into the ether,
and then on the cost of the job/versus actual sale price.

meanwhile,you are already set,you got your bezels from jerry and thats all you needed.
again,it sure looks like you doublecrossed leanne and accused her of swapping your junk just to save a few bucks.
That’s how many are seeing it. The I have a lock box thing didn’t play well, ever. Good luck you shyster. You rep within the family has taken a bad bad turn. Enjoy dealing with the other shysters out there, you can all burn each other, just don’t coming back to us begging for help.

Final thing shyster, put up or shut the **** up with your other bullshit you have on this, you shyster. It’s not there. She busted your 2 timing ***!
I've been in buisiness for 30 yeas I know how it feels when someone sticks it to you like that, I agree never thought anything bad about either parties but have to agree with Leanna, she did a service on a beat up 50 year old part, she does excellant powdercoat and paint what did you expect, and accuse her of switching out the parts, highly doubtful. Too bad, For the price difference from getting the other one's and creating the stress, b.s. and the disrespect inflicted upon yourself, highly doubt any money saved by renegging on the agreed deal was worth that. hope a solution can be agreed upon, but that looks doubtful.
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