Well-Known Member
OK so I adjusted both kickdown bands according to specs, they were off a good bit and probably hadn't been adjusted in many years. I also got some fresh new fluids and filter. When I took the car out for a test drive the shifting was perfect, giving me a firm smooth bite from 1st to 2nd at proper RPM's when rolling out of a couple neighborhood stop signs. About 2 minutes in I started experiencing the engine overevving again to about 3.2k, and not wanting to engage 2nd gear. If 2nd gear is engaged it slips the entire time unless I really baby the throttle. Once I got out of neighborhood streets and to 45Mph areas It's almost like I need to reach 3rd gear speeds in 1st before I can get a firm engagement.
Fluids are filled to proper level. A904 torqueflite paired w/ a 360 4bbl
Fluids are filled to proper level. A904 torqueflite paired w/ a 360 4bbl