I Have A Friend Who Has A 1968 charger With A 383 Engine He Also Has A Mopar 509 Purple Shaft Cam And Im Trying To Find For Him The Initial Timing Specs Some One Out There Must Know Thanks All
You have the right idea on setting timing. Do not know your engine combination but surprised the is still running at 1k. This is a very low vacuum cam at idle found it best to ditch any attempt of vacuum advance. If you have access to a distributor machine set mechanical to start at about 2200 and full at 3200 will not start to develop any real power till 3800 anyway. Was using a RB AFB for carb do not rember jet size but used the largest accelerator nozzle available. I had idle set at 1700 may sound high but with solid mounts got tired of the paint shaker affect, also got it above the idle circuit on the carb which it would not run on anyway. Have no idea where initial timing ended up at would guess about 18 to 20. Found it started best buy cutting other ignition till the engine was turning. Take the huge load off the starter. Some may call all this a crook but it was what worked for me.I'm living through the woes of a .509 in a 383 right now.. It's not like it's impossible, but it's an uncompromising cam for sure.
15-20 initial . 36 total, all in at 2500 rpms, is a good place to start. I have to keep my idle at around 1K. If you're running a stock distributor (which will make running that cam tough, because of how much initial timing it wants), set you max at 36 and work backwards from there.