At temp idle is around 30That sounds low for a fresh engine, what is the pressure at idle after its up to temp ?
Oil Pan is a 6qt pan and pickup is where it should be. Oil pump is standard volume high pressure. Melling m-63HPSame pressure, I would try another gauge just to rule that out.
Oil Filters can do some strange stuff , Try a different brand filter.
Is you oil pan a stock capacity ? Did you make sure the pickup tube was near the bottom of the pan , like 1/4 to 3/8ths" off the bottom. Just guessing here but a high volume pump and a stock pan that pickup better be correct to keep it under the oil level at higher rpms.
Agreed. Oil light on dash is not on and pressure goes up like it should if I Rev engineIf you had a internal leak like a missing plug ect, I would think the idle pressure would go low.
30 at idle is not bad for a stock pump , prob low for a high pressure pump though.
I would pull the valve covers and just make sure everything is getting oil.
That's why I posted. I had a high volume pump on the engine and pressure was low which is why I switched to a high pressureThat's lower than mine and mine is 50 years old, mine runs about 50 at cruise RPM and about 20 at idle, but remember, flow is more important than pressure.
microguard filter on right now. Gauge is correct. Have tried second gauge with same resultsJust for heck , I would try another brand of filter, Not sure whats on it but try a wix aka napa gold , If no change swap gauges just to rule that out.
Which filter would you suggest?Try another filter. If the bypass in it cant keep up with the high flow it could mess with the pressure readings I think.
Lots of guys on here know a ton more than me on this stuff , I hope they chime in for you.
With that big pump you may need a Hi pref style filter.
OK. I will go grab one and try that and post resultsI would stick on a napa gold 1515 {Im pretty sure wix builds them} or a wix 51515, I think they have better flow at least from what I have read, I run the napa gold 1515, idle at 30 and 70 at higher rpms, 30,000 mile 440.
May not be your problem but its a pretty cheap test and may help.
20w50You’re fine, mine would idle at 15 psi and jump to 50-60 at WOT, what oil do you have in it?
Same in mine, ran for 6 +years that way before I sold the engine.20w50