That is the one that's on it. It ran fine, how hard is it to swap the tail piece?What year motor home? If the transmission has a brake drum on the end of the tail shaft it will not just swap in. You will more than likely need to swap transmissions. But keep the torque converter from the motor home transmission and put it into the regular 727. Someone may have more knowledge than I. But it seems if you have a weighted torque converter it needs to be used with the crank from the 440. Otherwise vibration can occur. Really depends on the 440 you have.
This is the motorhome trans I have just to give you something to compare too.
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Not going to build the 400. Just going with the running 440 and 727 off the 400.The 400 low deck distributor won't work in the 440. You will have to get a 440 distributor. The shaft to oil pump is longer on the 440 distributor.