i put new wires on yesterday. got carbs fixed floats were out of specs and got a/f set but i set timming old school way n the more i advance the idle comes up .i reduce but now enginge will die when i get back to tdc being i lower the idle when i advane being engine raises in ilde when i set timming this normal?
I have read this ten times and I am unable to understand all what your saying.
You put new wires on - good.
you set the fuel float levels - also good.
i set timming old school way n the more i advance the idle comes up - I don't know what the old school way is, but it's normal for the engine idle speed to increase with more advance.
i reduce - reduce what (timing or idle speed screws?)
but now enginge will die when i get back to tdc being i lower the idle when i advane being engine raises in ilde when i set timming this normal? - WTF?!
My advice - You should be able to set the timing at around 10 degrees before TDC at idle with vacuum advance disconnected, and if all is good with the distributor and ignition, leave it the hell alone until you have set the carb mixture screws and idle speed screws.
It sounds to me like your motor dies when the advance backs off, and I wonder if you have a distributor problem where your rotor and cap aren't aligned properly with the points or reluctor. Try swapping your dizzy....
I reread the whole thread (which nearly gave me a brain aneurysm) and I still wonder if your cam timing is off.....
- - - Updated - - -
Correction - that is a big cam you have, and as IQ52 said, timing needs to start around 20 before TDC. What size carbs are you running? Are they stock? With that big cam, box stock carbs jetting and metering rod springs would need altering big time.