What I get out of this is the prepped factory heads for a medium perf street stomper are still a better deal. And if you don't go with a full porting job (pocket clean up only) and use stock size valves with a proper valve job you can get away even cheaper. Hard EX seats and bronze guides should also be included. The stealth will really come into play if you want mega CFM for a reasonable price. At that point it doesn't make sense price wise to hog on a set of iron heads.
Yeah and there are so many different ways to get some additional flow that is better than the RPM or Stealth.
Here are the best OOTB RPM and Stealth flows we've seen on our bench. The BEST mind you, we've seen plenty much lower.
Now I can take a set of aftermarket 3/8 stem stainless steel valves, slap them any factory iron head and port them in a hurry and give you something like this.
I can reassemble them, put those turds in boxes, stamp guaranteed on them and send them out the door for cheap. But all you are going to have is a guaranteed POS, because all the care and prep work that would make a good sound pair of heads hasn't been done. The stock springs aren't right for the cam, no bronze guides honed to the proper size, stock retainers and cheap locks, umbrella valve seals. But, you by golly, have heads that flow better'n the Stealth or RPM. Some thought has to be put into your build, be it buying new heads or having the old ones rebuilt. Plan for now and the future. There is no one right way to do it.
Doin' it right will cost you more most of the time. That is way I say, if you can at all afford the aluminum aftermarket head.......buy it. But they need to be checked carfully BEFORE you install them.