Opinions are like a$$holes everybody’s got one, let’s stick to facts. The fact that you spent more money for say an eagle, Hughes, Scat, or Crower rotating assembly doesn’t mean the 440 source stuff is ****. I would like to hear honest reviews from people who are either running their stuff or people who know people running their stuff. Let’s leave opinions out.
"Opinions are like a$$holes everybody’s got one," I give you that. However I hope I did not mis lead you into thinking I was particlarly suggesting we should develope a site for opinions only or for any opinions period. If this is what you took away from my post I appologize for the un-clarity. To be clear and to preven further confusion I will attempt to make my idea more clear.
If we had such a site, the reader would have to self police him\her self in reading only factual entries. If one chooses to look at opinions and his purchases based on opinions then god help him, as he is probably going to buy a lot of garbage.
What we would be looking for is something like the following examples.
Example A, Buyers screen name followed by, I bought a pair of brand X heads. These heads have been on my 440 ci engine for 2 years now and completely problem free. I have used my engine not only on the street but also turned in some eleven second runs at the local drag strip. Period end of post!
Example B, Buyers screen name followed by, I bought a set of brand Y heads. These heads had retainer failure the first week I used my car. After investigation I found that the locks were plling through the retainrs. Period end of post.
Example C, Buyers screen name followed by. I work in a machine shop. In the past year out of fifty sets of brand X heads that we have reworked we found only one head that was crackedl. But out of Fifty sets of brand Y heads we found ten that had cracked between the valve seats and eight that the guides were not properly drilled and aligned from the manufactre. End of Example
Lets face it, there are ways to scam any thing and no site will be fool proof. However , I believe with the vast amout of honest gear heads using these sites, we would get a real good idea of who is selling junk and who has the good stuff for the dollar. Personally I am not that interested in any ones opinion. I think I have been around long enough to be able to sort out the good from the bad if I can get a list of actual pro``s and cons from the users of the various types of parts out there on the market. Face it. The user of such a site would also have to have enough common sense so as to properly use such a site.
So Opinions would actually not be welcome. Just the facts my friend just the facts.
Something every one needs to be aware of is that just because we post these remarks on line does not mean that we can skirt the law and slander some company or it`s product with untruths. A poster is still responsible for his words and can probably be prosecuited for slanderous comments.
I had an actual experience on an on line auction. The seller first sold me a very bad product. When I complained he then publicly slandered me and posted untrue comments about me. When I got through with this not very smart person\ business owner, it had costed and dearly. We are all responsible for our words and statements.
I hope this helps.