Did my post this morning get on the board??? Pretty simple if you can read!!!! POPS. A wheel is ROUND works pretty darn well that way.
A LARGE pipe wrench on yoke will work on the floor. If it's a 10 spline I don't think you need to pull the yoke.Hey MoparNation74, can that be done with the pumpkin sitting on the garage floor????? It seems like that's a great approach for a pumpkin still in the car, but wouldn't the ring/pinion just spin when trying to take off the nut? Please teach me if I'm missing something. I "guess" I could jam the gears with a screwdriver, but I wouldn't want to damage the posi unit/housing since I want to re-use it.
You can pick up a used pipe wrench (big) from a pawn shop for pretty cheap and then grind the teeth off and then it won't mar the yoke. Using a piece of flat stock and with a plasma cutter, a tool can be made that slips over the yoke to prevent it from turning. Weld on a couple of long handles to it and it's done but a decent impact will usually get the nut off without holding it. I've been doing that for years on the bench and while in the car like mentioned in my earlier post. For the ones that need to use a torque wrench, making a tool to hold the yoke in place is about the only way. I just use the impact and then check torque preload but you got to take into account if a seal it installed since it will affect torque readings some....A LARGE pipe wrench on yoke will work on the floor. If it's a 10 spline I don't think you need to pull the yoke.