Trying to track an issue with my instrument voltage limiter and coolant/fuel gauge. A month ago both gauges pegged to the right and stopped working or worked occasionally. Found two nos gauges and bought a new limiter. Tested both good and bad gauges with gauge tester and 4 A batteries putting out around 5.9v. Both new gauges were spot on and the two duds barely moved. Fuel gauge tested on vehicle showed low.
Installed new gauges and limiter, mounted the cluster and keyed the ignition. Fuel gauge goes a bit above 1/2 but no more on a full tank of gas. After driving around a bit noticed that the coolant temp was below 1/2 which is odd as the cars normal range is right at or a bit above 1/2.
Switched out limiter for solid state 3 prong limiter, 5v. Check connections at sender and cluster. Drove it around and fuel is now a touch above 3/4 and coolant gauge seems to be working properly.
Would an errant limiter cause gauges to show low? I was thinking about trying a limiter in the 6v range. Testing on vehicle leads me to believe either the gauges are not seeing enough voltage to register accurately or The fuel sender wire may be creating more resistance causing fuel gauge to show low. I am going to trace the sender wire and run new wire in its place, would a larger gauge wire cause problems? Just want to rule out the wire before I go messing with another limiter.
Any procedure to test voltage limiter for output volts. For the fuel sending unit can I check resistance on the terminal end?
Installed new gauges and limiter, mounted the cluster and keyed the ignition. Fuel gauge goes a bit above 1/2 but no more on a full tank of gas. After driving around a bit noticed that the coolant temp was below 1/2 which is odd as the cars normal range is right at or a bit above 1/2.
Switched out limiter for solid state 3 prong limiter, 5v. Check connections at sender and cluster. Drove it around and fuel is now a touch above 3/4 and coolant gauge seems to be working properly.
Would an errant limiter cause gauges to show low? I was thinking about trying a limiter in the 6v range. Testing on vehicle leads me to believe either the gauges are not seeing enough voltage to register accurately or The fuel sender wire may be creating more resistance causing fuel gauge to show low. I am going to trace the sender wire and run new wire in its place, would a larger gauge wire cause problems? Just want to rule out the wire before I go messing with another limiter.
Any procedure to test voltage limiter for output volts. For the fuel sending unit can I check resistance on the terminal end?