Yea, I have to agree with Bob... those are sharp looking wheels!
I really like the Soft Lip on the 17", I just wish they had something similar for the 15" version. As I said in my previous post, I'm not a big fan of overly large wheels, but in this case the 17" on the back of yours really do look good! I'd still like to see a 15" or a 16" on the front, but that's just my personal preference. By the way, if you don't my asking, are those the Yearone version, US MAG, AR or who?
My car is almost ready for paint now so I have been popping various Charger pic's into Photoshop and playing with them, applying different colors, etc. One of my favorite shots to work with has been this one, because the all silver base is perfect to work with... this wouldn't be yours by any chance would it?
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