So, Ive been noticing that '66 seems to be a changeover year for the standard drivers outside chrome mirror. Not really anything specific, a couple questions just for general knowledge and discussion;
If you look at the old brochures and promotional materials, including video from back in the day (not just '66) most vehicles have an inside rearview, but no outside. Is this just for promotion (looks) or were they optional?? I kinda doubt they were optional in '66, since every regular sold car image I can find has some kind of mirror, except race cars.
Also, two post versus the later fat single post mirror. Is this a late/early thing?? Or is more dependent on the origin, meaning the factory where the car was built?? My '66 has the later fat post version, but I see a whole lot of pics with twin post mirrors like A's and B's back to '62.
Just curious, Lefty71