My 67 Charger parking brake cable is missing the last section of cable that attaches to the rear frame bracket on the driver side and the cable that runs over the the passenger side rear brake. The missing cable section is 9-10 inches long. When I bought my car the parking cable has two long zip ties holding it to the frame bracket, see attached photos. I am restoring the car and I am down to this parking cable assembly. In my service manual (page 5-20) the assemble diagram is so small I can't make out what needs to be purchased and assemble.
Which vendor has amy Forum Member used to repair/replace this cable? I am assuming that I am missing the last section of cable rod that must connect to the threaded rod which is hanging on my car by the ZIP TIES. Any photos of the assembly would be appreciated together with any first hand knowledge of the parts required to complete this repair/repalcement.
Which vendor has amy Forum Member used to repair/replace this cable? I am assuming that I am missing the last section of cable rod that must connect to the threaded rod which is hanging on my car by the ZIP TIES. Any photos of the assembly would be appreciated together with any first hand knowledge of the parts required to complete this repair/repalcement.