well i own a restoration shop so i did all the work myself as far as how much it costs they are not cheep but no car done to this level is cheep the biggest difference i think is the 67 hemi stuff like finding the right carbs,distributer,rad.
as far as buying one that is allready done takes 90% of the fun out of it. I build cars all day long that is the part i enjoy after they are done i just need to drive a couple times and send it on its way and start on another. I still dont know why the 66 and 67 dont get the respect they deserve they are great cars. This one was owend by the old golden commando Forest Petcock.
hey 696pack looks like we have close to the same taste in cars 70 6pack bee,67 coronet,78 warlock, how bout an a-body barracuda?love em all