Hey Dennis
I am about to pull the trigger on headers, like TTI's reputation as well as all of the articles I have read. Yes, they are a chunk of $$, but I am ok paying for quality. I did just call TTI last week to talk about their product, and I got the rudest, most obnoxious, unhelpful person I have spoken to at any company in many years. I asked if he could tell me why I should go with their product rather than a Hooker Super Comp, or Doug's….his response? "Performance wise there is no difference between our 2" headers versus anyone else's." And then silence. I thought my cell had dropped the call. Nope. He was just not saying anything. I asked what he meant by his statement, and he helped me out by repeating it. Was about enough "customer service" for me. I have this unique outlook. I never beg people to take my money.
Not posting to complain about TTI, but was just curious as to why you said buy from a vendor, not direct? From what I can find, pricing is all the same. Am I missing a vendor that sells for less? Or is it that vendor customer service reps actually act like they want your money?
And yes, I understand one idiot on the phone does not necessarily represent the whole company. At least I hope it doesn't. But if it is just this one guy, his phone privileges should be revoked.