Not crazy priced, but...
seen far worse for more
I have always liked the 68-69 GTS 383 4 speed cars better,
but; a 340 4 speed wouldn't be bad... (not org. motor, another value ding)
there's always more rust
depends on what you're doing with the car
for a flipper or investment 'not for that price', be upside down on it
if you live near/er (especially than I do) it might not be too bad
for a local guys project
add shipping/transport costs to that, you're already upside down on it...
Maybe get a better deal than 17K+, less than 12k-13k it 'might be a decent buy'
if it's not a rust bucket, all the normal hidden places
needs a lot of work, if you do it yourself no biggy
if you farm it out, pay for someone else to do it, it'd be expensive
& you'd be upside down on it, $40k adds up pretty damn quickly nowadays