You know what I meant. Shipping cost counts. Not that I'd have anything against $25 total (which we've yet to get to, save for Classic Industries' backordered part), but trying to justify that a $19.99 liner with $35 shipping meets the criteria is bull pucky of the highest order.
Be derisive if you feel so inclined, but I do not feel any remorse at all about price shopping for a good deal, nor do I understand the jocks around here who feel themselves justified to challenge other members for being price conscious. The people who overpay in the Mopar world have only themselves to blame for helping to justify vendors who jack up prices beyond belief.
P.S.: Don't be so sure about what I "need." Some of us are blessed to have a working-enough B-body that we don't need to fill a shopping cart to the brim. Wait, I take it back. I need a FF Stage 2 steering box rebuilt to suit the shorter-travel fast ratio pitman and idler...but there's no combined shipping or alternate dealers for that.
EDIT: I see you've hit "disagree." Looks like you realize that no amount of words will justify your point of view. Thanks for making my argument hold even more truth