It's very interesting putting this together seeing how they changed it from a Charger to a Charger 500. A lot of research to get where I'm at seeing how I got this 25 or so years ago completely disassembled missing most nuts, bolts and miscellaneous parts. It would of been a heck of a lot easier to take it apart and catalog parts then put it together again. I'm still learning where and what needs to be done to Finnish it. Examples 6 headliner bows? No actually 8 if you count the 2 short sail panel bows missing, had a tic tac clock with it in the boxes. Had it restored. Nope no hole in firewall for it. Came with a clock only. Have a distributor that I just assumed was for it but nope it's for a 70 440 6-pack. Grrrrrrrrr. Still need correct one. Back to the headliner. Watching videos of regular Chargers looks easy but trying to find out how they did the back around the rear window has me a little scared. Nice that I double ordered the headliner just in case. Hum did I get off course here? That's how this project has been. Start something find out you need certain part's, work on something else O boy needs this that and the other thing ect. Ron