That is a really nice car!avoid any dealers,unless you like to get bent over! they are the worst place to buy one of these cars.
that one is way overpriced
stick to private owners for a better deal.
for the price range you are in,
this is the level of car you should be getting
this car will hold good vale
numbers matching and original metal cannot be beat for value..
i was more responding to the post above me then
the point is
there are 440 driver bbody cars out there for mid 20's
just not original ones.
one thing i have noticed lately is that 68-70 charger prices
are going thru the roof,so the ones below them
like bee's and runners and x's might be creeping up behind them.
the more i hear you say that bee is worth over 30
makes me think harder about selling mine.
I've been reluctant to hop on this thread because I don't want to troll, but I can assure you there are NO 440 V8 B Body cars on North American soil for sale 'in the mid 20s' that don't need another 20K put into them to be roadworthy.
I've been searching for almost 30 months, been to two states, and had friends check on cars in three other states, and a 'mid 20s' 440 V8 B Body in good condition DOES NOT EXIST.
Many 383 cars out there that are a pretty good value in the 'mid 20s', but even those cars probably need another 10K to be nice, reliable, and roadworthy.
if you are after a original 440 car probably not.
that is apples and oranges to what we are talking about here
the op doesn't seem to be worried much about that
here you go, took me 3 seconds to find..