It's not my intention to keep you from doing what you want with your car. I drove these cars when they were new and started repairing/restoring them in 1990. To this day I have never seen a transmission temperature gauge on a street driven or lightly raced Mopar. Exotic import race prepared cars yes. If you're more comfortable adding an external transmission cooler, go for it.Alright I'll keep it stock using the rad tranny cooler. Thx.
you are good to go
just use good fluid as the temps in the clutches during shifts are more important in your case than the converter temp
They do not even make the fluid your trans came with any more
atf+4 or good synthetic
you do not need the anti chatter stuff as no converter clutch but it will not hurt
btw good move on the radiator
do not run a colder than stock thermostat up your way, even so a 195 0r 205 will make the heater work better
run a stove on the air cleaner- themostatic controlled if you do not have one get one
most wear will be on cold startups with too much raw gas
run 0w=xx oil your choice on the xx depending on how tight your motor is built
much less start up wear with 0w than 5w and 10w
GM has replaced all 5w specs with 0w= which makes no difference once warmed up
20 50 is fine for break in if it is a high zinc oil made for break in
otherwise the zn could be all over the place
a stove is a tin box on the exhaust manifold with a tube to the ac that moves hot air into the carb except when under load when a flapper moves to the cold air position
multiweight oil has different base stocks
older formulations required additives to keep the spec
newer ones have such good base stocks that they require no or little additives
the newer stocks do not "shear down" and lose viscosity as they have no additives to "shear down"
so if you want a 40 weight hot oil you can start with a 40 weight oil
or a 20 weight cold oil that is still a 40 weight when hot
or one that is 0 cold but is a 40 weight when hot
it just does not thin with heat
does that make sense
take a 0w 40 and cool it off and pour some
heat it to 100 degrees- pours the same
the 0w flows much better cold - start up or winter weather still a 40 when hot and it stays that way
comes stock on mopars since???
you also need the thermostatic and vacuum controled air cleaning housing
now not as big a deal if no winter driving but still helps fuel
btw how much zn in parts per million like 900, 1,200
zn plugs cats so new car oils have less- one reason for HR cams