Hi everybody, new here, so I recently picked up a 73 charger SE. tan and drove pretty well the first day then it left me sitting at a gas station. As I was turning it over I stopped for a second to let it dry out and when I turned the key nothing. No crank, no click, absolutely dead in the water. Well I jumped the relay and it fired right up, but I noticed my turn signals no longer worked, my hazards still do, my gauges no longer work, my headlights still do, and my ignition is dead but still pulls power when I turn the key to run(the dome light dims). I’ve checked both sides of the bulkhead and it looks clean, checked the 8 pin connector on the harness under the dash and no burns there, jumped the ignition to battery on the relay and it turn right over, some knucklehead replaced the fusible link with just a regular piece of wire but it’s got good power. I am at a loss.