Alright... time to get some dumb questions out of the way.... My 72 charger is still sitting on the 8 1/4 open dif from its 318 days and i really dont have the money to spend on a whole new 8 3/4 with a LSD or locker. I was wondering if drag slicks would do anything or if the open diff defeats the purpose (off of my mustang so its not a cost issue) Also i was wondering if i where to track down a 8 3/4 in the near future how do i change the wheel hub/brake assemblies at the ends and how are they narrowed? Would my best bet be finding something close in length and use it as a complete piece? If i make the 8 1/4 a suregrip with a mild 440 really break it? I know they are kind of general questions im just not sure where to go with it at this point. Thanks for any help/ opinions