time fix it to get it sale worthy, sell it take the extra money and start over, IMO once a car is bad luck I let them go. I had a lad tap me in the back when I was towing a chevelle home from pa, no real damage, but it happened in NJ, and what a mthr fkr them cops are, they held me up, checking codes on trialer tires, and brakes, and wtf I wanted to choke them... The trailer was 9 months old and had maybe 4000 miles on it, they couldnt find a thing wrong, so anyway after a bunch of jerking me around, we are back on our way, get the car home and park it, someone steals the hood and deck lid off of it while its still on the trailer, then I broke my foot dropping the rear end out of it, I said I give up Ill sell it as it sits, but then came to my senses and kept at it, IT WAS THE HARdesT RESTO I EVER DID, I was constantly getting hurt, nothing worked, I sold it all done and 2 weeks later it ate a valve, brand new gm crate engine, I did the swap they covered the materials, while it was in the garage the hood fell over and landed on my brand new ctsv that had just came back from henny's, what a night mare, I just could not get it out of my life fast enough.
Now if I get that feeling, I send them down the road... move on to something that treats me better, lol..