I took her out for her maiden shakedown drive today, despite it being over 90 degrees F out here again.
I got stopped down by where I turn on the state road and a big cloud of smoke rolled out, scared hell out of me - until I remembered that the formerly leaky valve cover gasket had soaked the header.

Off I went on a nice, easy drive of about 15 miles round trip, including some highway and some city driving in it. No rush, nice and easy.
The car runs so differently now! It's much smoother and quieter and dare I say, more "docile" even. I kept it to no more than 4000rpms, but I did do a little spirited driving as I gained confidence in it and it never skipped a beat.
You know how that sort of drive is - you have "rabbit ears", listening
intently and imagining every little sound could be something catastrophic.
The temperature was all over the place as it burped the cooling system over and over, always scary to watch on TWO temperature gauges.
That does lead me to one item of possible concern - I had caught most of the coolant in a pan when I drained the radiator at the start of this job and made sure to keep it clean enough to go back in when I was done (it was new coolant, after all).
But when I let it cool down this afternoon and went to top off the coolant, it took almost another whole gallon!
That's sort of unsettling. I haven't seen it get rid of any, either.
Oh well, if something was wrong I think I'd have seen it today, so I'm guardedly optimistic.

A few more short test drives will help with that, too.