That's an awesome story Meeps! And Ghostrider your story about JB is awesome too! I am a HUGE JB fan. Thanks for sharing
Cool story Meep! Not a Dead fan but cool non the less. For myself I used to pump the Godfather of Soul's gasoline in Augusta Ga. His studio was close by on Wheeler Road and he would stop into the Chevron station to gas up. Sometimes in his Benz or in the Van too. He was a funny guy. He would get out and slap my hand and we would do a little foot shuffle sideways. He would say," Allright now, do ya feel good?" I mean do YOU FEeEELL GOOODDDD?!" "You know I do man" I would reply after which he would do one of his trademark HEH! growls and go get some smokes. Two grown men standing in a gas station near the pumps dancing around and being fools looked funny i'm sure at midnight...