off the top of my head
(I know there's even more)
communities encroaching in on them
bitch about the noise,
when the track was there for years or decades prior
or land values, are so damn high
the owners sell out for huge $$$,
made into strip malls our housing tracts
or noise restrictions drove them out
many reasons
Oroville, Lake Oroville area (track's still there too)
Long Beach
Santa Ana
Vaca-Valley, Vacaville
Half Moon Bay
Cotati &/or Santa Rosa
Ontario International Motor Speedway
Orange County
'Old' Irwindale Raceway
Lodi &/or Kingdon
San Fernando
LACR, LA County Raceway Palmdale
Nigerian Nationals, Pittsburg by Hwy-4 (those from the area will know)
that just here in California,
in my lifetime, now just 60 years
soon to be Sacramento Raceway,
it's been for sale for a while now
(the owners an %&#@*^, well I won't say, on a public access forum)
a housing tract & subdivision is encroaching in,
it use to be in the middle of nothing
housing really close now, it's only a matter of time