Many years ago at a typical Maine hunting camp with about 10 people staying there, we all were off hunting our preferred areas in the big woods. 5 of us had gone about 10 miles from camp and hunting this place we called Buffalo. Since Buffalo stream ran through this area we felt the name was perfect.
We were about done for the morning and all trying to get back to the truck, I heard a distant shot and we all contacted each other by radio and determined it wasn’t one of us. A few moments later a car with 2 flat tires, leaking oil came pulling up to John, Jeff and Bruce in our group. One the guys had accidentally shot his buddy in the leg as they were walking in the woods. He had a Winchester model 94 and wasn’t familiar. Went to click hammer back after loading in the that wonderful safety position and it slipped discharging the weapon. John, the older brother in our group grabbed the kid and got him into the back of his pickup truck and off the went for the hospital. We were about 40+ miles away from any hospital! Two others in our group went along to help.
Now, I could see all this happening but was too far down the road to help at all. I was just getting out of the wooded patch. They took off and left 2 of us. That wa kind of too bad, I was the only one out there with advanced first aid trying. However, the guys that went with him did a great job and handled the situation like pro’s! After realizing we were all by ourselves, we thought under those circumstances, we were perfectly fine with that. As we finally got to the area where they had transferred vehicles, we saw the amount of blood in the road. I knew from radio contact that they were leaving with a gunshot wound victim, but right then I knew it was bad. That amount of blood loss, it had to hit the femoral artery! I tried to reach them on the radio to tell them a tourniquet was probably in order but they were already out of range.
We had lots of daylight and 10 miles to walk and hunt. We were later picked up and given a ride back to camp.
If it were not for John driving those woods roads as much as he did and as well(fast), that kid would have bled out for sure. Bruce and Jeff help with first aid and pressure to keep the bleeding under control. No question the action of those 3 saved the life of this hunter.
It’s still a story we talk about today! Things can happen so quickly to the inexperienced and the pro’s too!
Here‘s an article that came out a bit ago about it.
30 years ago, he was shot while deer hunting in Maine. It changed his life forever.