Well-Known Member
I have a 1967 Hemi GTX. with an automatic. Even after it is up to operating temp the idle is to low in Park. With the dual quads how is the idle raised? Is it just one carb or both that have to be adjusted? Thanks
Assuming you have the factory carbs for the 67, the idle is set using the air bypass screws in the center. There is a 9/16" or 5/8" brass hex bolt in the center front and that controls the air. You may have noticed that you have no idle stop screw on the linkage, which allows the throttle blades seat in the carb bores. If you do have an idle stop screw and the brass hex screw then you might use the idle stop screw to get close and finish with the air bypass.
To raise the idle with the air bypass system just back out the brass hex screws about 1/8-1/4 turn. You will probably have to readjust the idle mixture and bounce back and forth between carbs to get it to run well. I start with both brass hex screws 3/4 turn from seated and idle mixture screws about 2 turns from seated. From there you will go for lean best idle. I also pull plug wires to check mixture strength. Make your adjustments and pause a bit for them to take effect.