I understand the conundrum
lets put it in perspective
I'll play devil's advocate,
as someone that actually had companies, retail, service/repairs & construction buss.
& had to deal with the public/customers regularly, multiple mngrs multiple owners etc.
(most are clueless, even if you were to call them, constantly)
I guess it really depends on what type of work/job we're talking about here
I'm not defending anyone's bad customer service
could you imagine '
as a carpenter' having to be stopping what you're doing
several times a day, having to restart & get reset back up,
going up & down ladders working on trusses or the roof etc.
or under the house, 'even more' or using/taking your break time
to make calls
having to be calling & informing your customers/homeowners or the developers'
whats' been done
or going to be done on a regular basis
several times a day
that most won't even understand
what the hell you're talking about
project managers/contractors or possibly the foreman's job, not the carpenters')
it'd be futile attempts '
to contact' or they don't answer or goes straight to voice mail
then they claim they never got it, then proceed to bitch/moan/whine
or you have/having to educate them, on what it is you did
most won't even understand it
just being
a worker bee isn't like being a leader/foreman or owner/mngr
you can put your head down & just do the work
when you throw a
bunch of peripheral BS on top of all of it
like customers' needs/insecurities, needing to know/educate them on
what's happening at all times
over & above 'the top', of the actual job at hand
let alone
dealing with needy whiny or insecure customers, all damn day
Also times money,
think of it
as the owner/gen./dept. mngr, put yourself in their shoes
many service writers are swamped already
& many
don't do squat either, it runs the gambit
some are far better than others
size of the shop/business makes a huge difference too
I can understand 'the gripe'
if it's a smaller shop, only a few cars, only a few customers,
(like some here mentioned they do)
it's easier to have good customer contact & updates/relations
if you don't as a smaller shop/buss. you won't last long if you don't
depending on what type of place, &/or how big or small
somewhere like a dealership, especially in a big suburb or in the big-shitty
or a big retail shop, some chain tire/muffler stores alignment shop
or Johnny's Hot-Rods local yokal shop
or body shops ('paint jail' in many) or machine shops ('machine jail' in many)
it would '
have to be' a real hassle, & it's also
time-consuming too
they'd probably
have to hire more people
to just call people regularly
to update them all, on status of the projects...
price goes up accordingly, then more will bitch about that)
Just to tell them about what's being or has been done...
You probably can't/couldn't just explain it
to all,
1/2 or more you'd have to
educate them 'for them to know what is happening'
it'd be futile, time-consuming in many cases too
many people would be difficult to explain stuff too
that slows down the process or the actual work too
especially in a lil' 1 or 2 man/person shop/buss.
do you want a good job ? or a rush job ?
can't have both, or rarely anyway
did they have trouble getting parts/supplies ?
there is a parts/supply chain problem of late
put yourself in their shoes
if you trust them to take your car to them, in the 1st place
don't rush them, unless warranted, like way beyond reason
let them do '
what needs to be done',
if it's what you asked for
have them contact you if it's going to be more time
or more cost I can see
make that deal up front
I've gone thru it too
I understand it's '
a bitch' not being in the loop
patients grasshopper
or the flip side