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Alzheimer’s Test for my over-60-friends here

My grandmother suffered from it, I remember bits and pieces of her journey.. it was sad as she was such a wonderful person, we believe my dad has begun the same journey. He was a bad stroke victim 20 years ago, and suffered badly from it. It didn’t get him as he is so strong willed but struggles with life now.. then throw the beginnings of undiagnosed dementia in it and it is depressing. I found out many of my great aunts and uncles on grandmas side had it too... It’s heartbreaking to hear/ see my dad have really bad episodes when he was never like that, and doctors play ping pong with him because he is a stroke victim in his mid 70s, that is fragile... Life is so precious... why do we really get pissed off?
Alzheimer’s Test

Something to boost your morale!

French Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IMMA) at La Pitié-Salpêtrière - Paris Hospitals, addresses the subject in a rather reassuring way:

"If anyone is aware of his memory problems, he does not have Alzheimer's"
1. I forget the names of families .
2. I do not remember where I put some things .

It often happens in people 60 years and older that they complain that they lack memory. "The information is always in the brain, it is the "processor" that is lacking."

This is "Anosognosia" or temporary forgetfulness.

Half of people 60 and older have some symptoms that are due to age rather than disease.
The most common cases are:
- forgetting the name of a person,
- going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there,
- a blank memory for a movie title or actor, an actress,
- a waste of time searching where we left our glasses or keys .

After 60 years most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is not a disease but rather a characteristic due to the passage of years .

Many people are concerned about these oversights hence the importance of the following statement:
"Those who are conscious of being forgetful have no serious problem of memory"
"Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer's, are not aware of what is happening."

Professor Bruno Dubois, reassures the majority of people concerned about their oversights:

"The more we complain about memory loss, the less likely we are to suffer from memory sickness."

Now, for a little neurological test.....

Only use your eyes.

1- Find the C in the table below!


2- If you have already found the C, then find the 6 in the table below.


3- Now find the N in the table below.
Attention, it's a little more difficult!


If you pass these three tests without a problem:
- you can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist.
- your brain is in decent working shape!
- you are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer's.

I couldn't find the 6 in the second test,but I found the 69 does that count? A good 69 can be harder to find than my keys I have been looking for,for two days!
My mom is 87 and in a seniors home. She repeats some things after a few minutes, as if she had not just said them. But otherwise she's in good shape. No relatives that I'm aware of have had such issues.
It's awful, absolutely awful, for folks to suffer through dementia and alzheimer's.
That's a terrible way to end up at the end of the road and what it puts loved ones
through around you is downright cruel, too.
I don't understand a lot of things in this life and that's certainly one of them...

God bless all of us who have been there and I pray I never become a burden to anyone. :praying:
Grandmother and mother both died from this! Mother got at about 89 and lived to 95. Didn't even know who she was right before she died.
I have a problem finding the C due to my bifocals
Well...I passed but had a Hell of a time on the last one, "N". But I found it the second time scanning so it was a toughie. I watched as my Pops suffered with Multi Infarct Dementia. That is mini strokes firing off quite regularly. He was still quite sharp despite it but was loosing his ability to drive and had difficulty with walking and incontinence issues. He was put into a Skilled nursing home run by the Marriott Corp and had a private room over looking a Golf course. Had all his meals provided in a restaurant style setting, and he would have us over for a meal quite often. He suffered a stroke and succumbed shortly after. I watched as he regressed back into basically a kid's age which was kind of cool to observe as we never had a great Father/Son relationship. We made our Peace in the end. Just a horrible way to go. Now that I am in my early 70's, It scares the crap out of me that I too could succumb to it. But the key I think is to keep your mind constantly active and working. I am a prolific reader and play brain teases and quizzes all the time. Study my History every day as that is my real passion. I often wonder if all the flying for the USAF, date and time zone fluctuations, circadian rhythm all out of sink, along with the copious amounts of booze consumed, might have an effect on me. But so far I am still good to go in the mental functioning test and day to day living. I just try not to think or dwell on it is all. Thanks for the read and ear...cr8crshr/Bill:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::usflag::usflag::usflag:
Hope the test is valid ? Many of my mothers relatives including her suffered alzheimer disease. They all were late 70's early 80's, have a few years before getting there. My sister is 4 years older.
#1 7th line about the middle

#2 beginning of the 3rd line

#3 end of the 1st line
I can remember back almost to the day of my birth, but I always forget what it was that I wanted to get from this room, and why. To busy thinking two steps ahead. Start one project, see something that reminds you of another, which leads you to yet another, etc., etc., etc. Then you say...Shite... I remember now, I was working on this other thing first. Oh well, to late now, maybe tomorrow... if I remember.

Who are all these people in my dressing room anyhow?
My friends call that the squirrel syndrome always looking for the better nut! So we get side tracked a little (more than I want to admit)
Alzheimer’s Test

Something to boost your morale!

French Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease (IMMA) at La Pitié-Salpêtrière - Paris Hospitals, addresses the subject in a rather reassuring way:

"If anyone is aware of his memory problems, he does not have Alzheimer's"
1. I forget the names of families .
2. I do not remember where I put some things .

It often happens in people 60 years and older that they complain that they lack memory. "The information is always in the brain, it is the "processor" that is lacking."

This is "Anosognosia" or temporary forgetfulness.

Half of people 60 and older have some symptoms that are due to age rather than disease.
The most common cases are:
- forgetting the name of a person,
- going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there,
- a blank memory for a movie title or actor, an actress,
- a waste of time searching where we left our glasses or keys .

After 60 years most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is not a disease but rather a characteristic due to the passage of years .

Many people are concerned about these oversights hence the importance of the following statement:
"Those who are conscious of being forgetful have no serious problem of memory"
"Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer's, are not aware of what is happening."

Professor Bruno Dubois, reassures the majority of people concerned about their oversights:

"The more we complain about memory loss, the less likely we are to suffer from memory sickness."

Now, for a little neurological test.....

Only use your eyes.

1- Find the C in the table below!


2- If you have already found the C, then find the 6 in the table below.


3- Now find the N in the table below.
Attention, it's a little more difficult!


If you pass these three tests without a problem:
- you can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist.
- your brain is in decent working shape!
- you are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer's.
Yay! Passed no problem:bananaweed:
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