In most cases but not mine. I threw the whole harness in the trash including the bulkhead and rewired the whole car eliminating every unnecessary connection that I could lol. I used an American Autowire universal kit to clean up Mopars sloppy mess. Would you buy a home built in the 60's and not upgrade the wiring? None of this relates to this thread at all just thought I'd let you know where I'm coming from.Actually If you check the tipical solution used with a wire between alt post and starter relay ( what you did ) and check the location of the main splice inside the cab, the bulkhead is not out of the game yet, because is still being feeded from outside through the bulkhead. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is the load being shared between two terminals ( equalized ) and not just one getting more load than the other. Or actually just saving the bulkhead terminals from the load when battery is being recharged.
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