Well-Known Member
I have had about half a dozen different Mopars over the years as all were fixer up projects.Never did get to finish any of them as I always needed to sell cuz needed cash.I have now been without a project for 7-8 years.The wife says wait until the kids are out of school.I did that still nothing!Wife says wait until they are out of college.Did that and still no car.Now I have a daughter and a Grandson now living with us so I guess I have to start all over again and wait until the financing and time is right.Anybody else have these issues?I am not getting any younger and my goal is to get a decent car together the way that I want it and be able to enjoy it before I kick the bucket.Maybe the big guy in the sky has a whole stable waiting for me when I get there.All I know the clock is ticking and I am getting more and more distraught every day.There -now I feel a little better.