Well-Known Member
There's a lot of major improvements over the stock wiring system. It's as close to the old school system as it can be to function yet providing many modern upgraded features. It's not prefect, but it's better functioning than stock repos and should work well for you.
I chose this type of harness because I already have some non-OE pieces like a modern Denso alternator and at some point will have EFI. Aftermarket harnesses seem to be easier to adapt to those types of parts rather than trying to make the OE wiring work.
Like I said before, the electrons don't care and I'm happy that I will have nice new wire in my car that I don't have to fight with. But, it's still just wire and connectors, it doesn't really do anything different than the OE stuff.
Are ATO fuses 'better' than the OE glass fuses? Not sure, they do the same thing. If there's a fault in the circuit, either one will blow. Modern TXL wire is nice stuff but what will it look like in 30 years? The OE wire was good when new too.
Most issues with older wiring arise basically because it's old. Once the insulation dries out, it's toast. There's also corrosion, heat, vibration, wayward hands... No one expected that these cars would still be on the road 50+ years later so unless a car was particularly well cared for, it's almost a forgone conclusion that you will be replacing most if not all of the original equipment still in service since it's beyond it's intended useful life.