Fontana is done and gone.
I was gonna say you missed Barona, but I see it as Lakeside (?)
And Pomona doesn't count. If I can't race there (and I cant) it doesn't count.
I included Pomona, because
if I didn't
someone here would have said;
"what about Pomona ?"
I called Lakeside, Barona (I missed spelled it, as Borona too, oh well)
last time one of these threads popped up too
& someone

corrected it too
for those that don't know
you can race at Pomona (the 2 National Events, Winter Nationals or World Finals)
if you pay the fees for registration, are a member of the NHRA
if enter/register the national events &/or qualify
if have 'a real up-to-date NHRA competition license'
if an assigned NHRA #
(4 digit # unless you are a Professional, division 7--- here, if you're in Calif.)
if you're an active member in good standings of the NHRA
if your car can go faster than 11.49 et, to require the stuff
if you have the proper SFI cage/certified
(proper tube thickness & number of bars) for your et/mph, with the proper padding
&/or all of the proper
up-to-date SFI-rated/current dated safety equipment',
with no fuel or brake lines going across the firewall, a proper puke tank,
or a properly fully contained rad. overflow reservoir
all safety equipment,
including tires, brakes, is in good order
even a strictly limited amount of 'rubber hoses or hose clamps under hood',
of fuel & cooling, it will be enforced...
if you have the proper safety appearal
a fire suit/pants/jacket/gloves/boots/head sock
& Nomex underwear/viser or goggles (if which is required)
&/or an up-to-date Snell 2018 or newer (within 5 years) rated helmet,
(up-to-date, 2 years) 5-6 pt SFI harness, arm restraints,
or parachute/s if the car goes over 149mph
& neck roll or Hans device (if required, in your class)
(up-to-date, 2 years) sfi-rated trans blanket or scatter shield,
Harmonic dampner, flywheel, flexplate, clutch hat, DS safety loop,

(no broken or missing) long open lugs & studs/with slicks, or drag radials
or sfi-rated 10# or dual 20# fire-system, if need be
if the car/s can even 'pass tech' (
that's a big one)
the NHRA are sticklers at National events
to the letter of the rules, you need to have all your ducks in a row
(not that you don't)
& have all the proper/dated safety equipment...
(that stuff happens far more than you'd think)
I can't tell you how many times I've been behind someone
in the NHRA tech inspection line, at a National Event that has multiple violations
& can't pass tech inspection or outdated **** (a lot)
& then pleads with them to pass their car
(they won't do it, they will give you a list of what to fix & you get back in line)
at an NHRA National Event
It's not like some lax sat. Test & Tune session
or some street squirrels Bracket event wed-thur.-friday nights, local yokal deal
their insurance & job/s is on the hook
hell even the old IRHA events (& they were far more relaxed) it happened a lot
I'm sure you know all that too