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Another shooting in Colorado now Arapaho HS


Jackstand racer #1 & proud of it, Sir Posts A Lot
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
1:04 AM
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
NorCal Sierras
Another shooting in a Colorado High school, Centennial Co., sorry not much real news yet, allegedly a student shot 2 others in the cafeteria or library are early reports, possible fire too... multiple shots fired, frisking kids outside, possibly/allegedly the shooter is down/neutralized... no real facts just what has been said... what's with all theses school shooting in the last 5 years ?? are the kids really that messed up today, because of lack of morals & ways of teaching today ?? it never use to happen at all, or at-least as frequently as it happens now, especially like in the last 5 years, multiple shooting... In my 1st 50 years I only remember it happening only once, in a college in Texas... Now it seem like that these kids just chose to shot up their schools... what happened to a fist fight or regular way of talking things out ??... maybe it's the removal of God in schools, no discipline in schools, no pledge of allegiance & the lack of morals today, it seems in the public school systems... IMHFO this has nothing to do with gun control, it's lack of good teaching oversight & good parenting, please don't make it about gun control... :angryfire: this sucks

I hope the shooter is subdued, all the rest of the kids are safe, my deepest condolences go out to any Victims families & friends...

allegedly no deaths reported so far, one person was taken to hospital, believed to be the shooter...

shooter is allegedly dead, self inflicted gun shot wound & minor injuries to another student...

allegedly the shooter was after one specific teacher, said teacher allegedly left the school immediately...
I'm 100 percent convinced the society today has "enabled" adolocent children.
-We have encouraged a society whereby the individuals growing up have no coping skills OR tools to deal with:
1. The word NO
2. The disapointment of failure in an act or acts.
3. The ability to bounce back up after an emotional FALL.
4. The incapability to deal with "Bullies" and "Bullying"
5. The understanding that "not everything" will go their way.
-These are surly signs of a troubled society.
Perhaps it all started in the early 90s with the introduction of Political Correctness.
America and her "Children" do not grasp the concept of "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"
Now we preach "The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the masses"

Again, John Kennedy preached" Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"
No body today wants to do anything for theis Country, this "occupy generation" Socialisim....!
Legalized Pot in Colorado now too.
i'm 100 percent convinced the society today has "enabled" adolocent children.
-we have encouraged a society whereby the individuals growing up have no coping skills or tools to deal with:
1. The word no
2. The disapointment of failure in an act or acts.
3. The ability to bounce back up after an emotional fall.
4. The incapability to deal with "bullies" and "bullying"
5. The understanding that "not everything" will go their way.
-these are surly signs of a troubled society.
Perhaps it all started in the early 90s with the introduction of political correctness.
America and her "children" do not grasp the concept of "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"
now we preach "the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the masses"

again, john kennedy preached" ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"
no body today wants to do anything for theis country, this "occupy generation" socialisim....!

well said!
Perhaps we can/should add to the list:
6. Thousands of hours of Violent Video Games (Where are the Parents?)
7. Un-supervised child rearing (Poor Parenting)
Perhaps we can/should add to the list:
6. Thousands of hours of Violent Video Games (Where are the Parents?)
7. Un-supervised child rearing (Poor Parenting)

Amen tom that ski... you can add

8. Public school Teachers Unions {you can't get rid of bad tenured teachers hardly} & the Liberal indoctrination of our youth, beliefs that the federal govt. will, "take care of you from cradle to grave" mentality...

9. teachers actually teaching in schools & not just overpaid baby sitters &/or union check collectors... {I know there are some, really good teachers out there still, I had quite a few, that I don't think could even teach today, under the current type/style of teaching, what &/or how it is being taught to the youth}
sorry people
Happened about 6 blocks from my office. I guess it was a kid looking for a teacher. Another kid confronted him, was shot but still alive. The nutbag then killed himself, hence the two. Bully for the kid that confronted him.

Not sure why it's happening here so much though. This was about 8 miles from Columbine and about 10 from the "Joker" shootings.

- - - Updated - - -

Legalized Pot in Colorado now too.

Yea Dennis, don't forget the Aurora Joker shooter was a SoCal boy. I guess he imported it.
10. better school district administrators, that actually fight for the "true" education & "true" safety of the youth, instead of the Teachers Unions &/or pay scale driving what they teach or who they can get to teach to, driving budgetary concerns &/or whether they should or even could have a school police/security force, because a specific Ideology....
I have an "old-fashioned" idea as to what may be a possible factor in many or most of violent acts. It's a lack of one of the parents; whether it's the unknown father, or the mother that's involved with her "career" and shuffles the kids off to strangers at day care. My wife has been a director in such a program, more than once a youngster had slipped and called her "mom"; several kids have told her they'd rather be with her than at home.
I have an "old-fashioned" idea as to what may be a possible factor in many or most of violent acts. It's a lack of one of the parents; whether it's the unknown father, or the mother that's involved with her "career" and shuffles the kids off to strangers at day care. My wife has been a director in such a program, more than once a youngster had slipped and called her "mom"; several kids have told her they'd rather be with her than at home.

Sad to read and probably not far from the truth WileE. I tend to lean toward the entitled-look at me generation theory. They don't get their way and want to blame somebody else because they don't have the backbone to work / earn for themselves because either mom or dad or both never taught them.
Notice these shootings are never in inner city schools. Thats because every one is packing.

I work maintenance for the schools here in our rural county and I am amazed everyday how they baby these kids. teachers are not even allowed to change tone of voice because it may make the child feel uncomfortable. Really. And the parents are worse. If a child gets in trouble you better bet its gonna be a fight with the parent on how dare they say anything to my little angel.

As a society we are fast approaching where Rome was when it collapsed.
Real sad to see!! You guys bring up a great point about the parents and I totally agree and believe it's real apparent when looking between the generations. Sure in the hell isn't the guns creating more and more violent acts at such a young age. It's the finger behind the trigger and the parents that wasn't there to teach them right from wrong.

Take a look at a lot of the guys on here.....Great deal of us are from the 30's-60's age group with some young bucks and some "veteran" guys mixed in as well. I'm sure a lot of you grew up with folks like mine. An old man with a stern hand, strict up keep, strong moral's and taught you right from wrong. A mom that taught you family values, how to say "thank you" as well as be polite, and how to treat people with respect.

Now a days, take a look at the parents. They're more worried about being best friends with their kids than actually being a parent. God forbid you have to punish them or make them actually work for something, that would be horrible. They may say something bad about you on their facebook page. Makes me want to puke! My dad didn't cater to my social life, didn't dress me up in $100 cloths or let me sit on my *** all comfy in front of the TV. He made me work, made me get up early, help cook & clean and I still looked up to him like he was a superhero.

I don't know, I'm so sick of seeing stuff like this on the news. To remedy some of this, my 2 cents would be....Take the video games, Ipad, Iphone, Igive a **** and toss'em in the garbage. Sorry, watch and teach your kids, not plop them in front of the TV because you're busy or this is "me time"...I'm too busy doesn't cut it. Take a kid fishing, hunting, camping, under the hood of the car. Make them work, make them think and make them earn what they got. I shouldn't bring up the religious thing because that seems to be unacceptable now days....But I will, because that's how I was raised and it's my God given and American right. Bring your kid to church!! Even if you're not out pounding the good book.....listen to the words and stories. It's not just some old fairy tales. It's a book of moral's and how to treat your family and fellow man.

Sorry to vent guys, i'm worried about the future of this country and the generations to follow. My dad's real good Indian friend use to tell my sisters and I all kinds of stories growing up. Some were interesting to say the least. Writing/reading all this, one comes to mind. It was a Potawatomi story about a tall oak tree in the forest, biggest one among all the tribes. Storms would come, other tree's would fall. Fire would come, it would be the only tree left standing. Time and time again, the tree would always prevail. Why? It was all because of the tree's deep roots.
Children not knowing right from wrong or just don't care

Real sad to see!! You guys bring up a great point about the parents and I totally agree and believe it's real apparent when looking between the generations. Sure in the hell isn't the guns creating more and more violent acts at such a young age. It's the finger behind the trigger and the parents that wasn't there to teach them right from wrong.

Take a look at a lot of the guys on here.....Great deal of us are from the 30's-60's age group with some young bucks and some "veteran" guys mixed in as well. I'm sure a lot of you grew up with folks like mine. An old man with a stern hand, strict up keep, strong moral's and taught you right from wrong. A mom that taught you family values, how to say "thank you" as well as be polite, and how to treat people with respect.

Now a days, take a look at the parents. They're more worried about being best friends with their kids than actually being a parent. God forbid you have to punish them or make them actually work for something, that would be horrible. They may say something bad about you on their facebook page. Makes me want to puke! My dad didn't cater to my social life, didn't dress me up in $100 cloths or let me sit on my *** all comfy in front of the TV. He made me work, made me get up early, help cook & clean and I still looked up to him like he was a superhero.
I don't know, I'm so sick of seeing stuff like this on the news. To remedy some of this, my 2 cents would be....Take the video games, Ipad, Iphone, Igive a **** and toss'em in the garbage. Sorry, watch and teach your kids, not plop them in front of the TV because you're busy or this is "me time"...I'm too busy doesn't cut it. Take a kid fishing, hunting, camping, under the hood of the car. Make them work, make them think and make them earn what they got. I shouldn't bring up the religious thing because that seems to be unacceptable now days....But I will, because that's how I was raised and it's my God given and American right. Bring your kid to church!! Even if you're not out pounding the good book.....listen to the words and stories. It's not just some old fairy tales. It's a book of moral's and how to treat your family and fellow man.

Sorry to vent guys, i'm worried about the future of this country and the generations to follow. My dad's real good Indian friend use to tell my sisters and I all kinds of stories growing up. Some were interesting to say the least. Writing/reading all this, one comes to mind. It was a Potawatomi story about a tall oak tree in the forest, biggest one among all the tribes. Storms would come, other tree's would fall. Fire would come, it would be the only tree left standing. Time and time again, the tree would always prevail. Why? It was all because of the tree's deep roots.
Amen brother, Thanks Propwash/Will very well said, I'm not really a religious person, but a spiritual person, that was raised in a Christian household, ingrained into me was the Christian morals & to respect others {do unto others as you would wish, they do unto you}, especially respect & listen to your elders, sit down shut up & listen, then think before you speak, you earn what you work hard for, respect the laws & the police & "nothing in life is free or easy"... Maybe it was a simpler time, I was always outside playing, you would have had to tie me down, to keep me inside... My Pops took us fishing, camping & backpacking allot & my Step father both spent allot of time with all us kids with our bikes, mini-bikes, go-carts, motorcycles & cars allot, but we earned them all, we bought them all with our own money we earned around the neighborhood or at a JOB... lessons in life well earned & not sitting around on our butts playing violent video games & watching violence or sex on the boob tube, all damn day... cRap music culture was the beginning of the downfall of youth culture, listen to any of the lyrics... That's the biggest differences in the new generation, they feel entitled, like we owe them something, they seem to need to be coddled & taken care of now... The PC crap, like "Give them all a trophy just for participation" when they haven't earned it, is/was also the start of it, no incentive to be better or try harder & succeed... Sorry I'm not to PC, but that's MHFO anyway... It all come down to lack of respect for you fellow man & the parents too busy, to raise their damn children... ok rant over
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