Yeah that's way too freaken' cold, anything below -20* is almost instant freeze anyway, in less than a minute... at those -135* temps your lungs would freeze in like 30 seconds, you eyeballs in like 10 seconds... when I worked in Point Barrow Alaska {farthest northern point in North America} for Alyeska Pipeline Services we had sustained -50* for days at a time, then add the wind-chill mph of wind + temps & it's like -70 to -90* or something like that... you could pee out the door of our barracks/quonset hut & it froze before it hit the ground... even with all the proper protection we were limited to 45 minutes max, then back in warm shelter/a big heated/inflated like parachute/ballon/tent shelter thing, that we had to use to build under/in, for about the same amount of time, before we were allowed to go back out in the cold again... I saw 2 guys stay out too long, in -50* & a high wind like 40mph & their respirators/masks partially froze & got a form of pulmonary embolism/lung damage IIRC, nearly bled out in there lungs, form icing & their eyes were completely red, freaky chit... almost killed them, but they made a full recovery... we all were extremely vigilant about time spent in -50* or colder temps after that... I'm one of those people that is whining about the cold, hell I'm a Calif. boy, it's too damn cold, we have had record cold here too, our underground pipes froze twice in the last week, but it's nothing like those #'s thou... It seems they changed the narrative from Global Warming to Climate Change so they could save face, since the earth has been warming & cooling since it's beginning, warming & then an ice-age in cycles... The current batch of idiots, with no real science backing it up just theory, that were perpetuating all these Global Warming rouse/lies, instead of facts & real proven science, it was like most things, that get leftist media attention, just a big Fed. $$$/taxpayers funds/money grab around here & many other parts of the world, duped into believing all the lies... you can thank Al Gore for allot of the misinformation Green Eco-Nazi/Activist/Environmentalist Extremist myths/lies...