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Antarctica didn't get the memo on global warming

Seen an article from NASA earlier this year stating that the earth has been cooling since 2003 and the pacific ocean is in a cooling oscillation. Came with all the satellite surface heat maps as well as ocean temps maps and historic trending. The NOAA continuously reports of the earth warming over and over again. They utilize several NASA weather satellites to acquire their data. Am I missing something here?
A lot of great points here. Another thing is the CO2 issue. Sure, CO2 and global temperatures are correlated, but no one in science has proven causation. I teach environmental science in high school and even talking to other teachers they think I'm crazy when I bring that point up. Well, how on earth did the Romans warm the globe with CO2? Oh, right, it warmed up naturally - AND caused generations of prosperity by the way.
Seen an article from NASA earlier this year stating that the earth has been cooling since 2003 and the pacific ocean is in a cooling oscillation... Am I missing something here?

This Forbes article from last March should give you some insight- http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterfe...bal-warming-alarmists-global-cooling-is-here/

Basically, it is stating that the churning of waters in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have some effect on the earth's temperatures, and that sunspots have an even larger effect. Average temperatures have steadily dropped over the last 10 or so years. We may be on the cusp of another "Little Ice Age" similar to the one that ran from between 1650 and 1850.
A lot of great points here. Another thing is the CO2 issue. Sure, CO2 and global temperatures are correlated, but no one in science has proven causation. I teach environmental science in high school and even talking to other teachers they think I'm crazy when I bring that point up. Well, how on earth did the Romans warm the globe with CO2? Oh, right, it warmed up naturally - AND caused generations of prosperity by the way.

It all boils down to this... Progressives hate everything associated with capitalism. CO2 is a byproduct of almost everything used in capitalism. Keeping that in mind, is it any wonder that this faux religion has gained wide spread acceptance in academia the breeding ground of anti-capitalism? Why bother really examining the facts when GW fits their narrative so neatly?

Kudos to you sir for rising above your indoctrination. So few actually can.
It all boils down to this... Progressives hate everything associated with capitalism. CO2 is a byproduct of almost everything used in capitalism. Keeping that in mind, is it any wonder that this faux religion has gained wide spread acceptance in academia the breeding ground of anti-capitalism? Why bother really examining the facts when GW fits their narrative so neatly?

Kudos to you sir for rising above your indoctrination. So few actually can.
Bingo we have a winner, Green Money Scam perpetuated by the left.... fit's there narrative to say the "right wants dirty water & air", that big business, coal, oil companies, internal combustion engines etc. is the evil doers in the world... Just more eco-Nazi extremism, all for a money grab & especially politics, misinformation to the uneducated masses/sheeple followers, that buy into & believe all the lies...
This Forbes article from last March should give you some insight- http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterfe...bal-warming-alarmists-global-cooling-is-here/

Basically, it is stating that the churning of waters in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have some effect on the earth's temperatures, and that sunspots have an even larger effect. Average temperatures have steadily dropped over the last 10 or so years. We may be on the cusp of another "Little Ice Age" similar to the one that ran from between 1650 and 1850.

And here's the thing - tons of people think this is a GOOD thing. Reality is if the earth keeps cooling, crops don't yield as much food (as we all know). Those mini ice ages are universally associated with famine and misery while the warming trends historically correlate with periods of prosperity.

Here's another thing - the earth moderates its overheating very very well - at no time in the past several hundred million years has it gotten more than a few degrees warmer than current average temperatures, never so hot as to make anywhere on earth less inhabitable (yes, even for polar bears and penguins). Yet here they are trying to reverse their imagined warming trend.
And here's the thing - tons of people think this is a GOOD thing. Reality is if the earth keeps cooling, crops don't yield as much food (as we all know). Those mini ice ages are universally associated with famine and misery while the warming trends historically correlate with periods of prosperity.

It's not good or bad- it's just the natural cycle of the earth. In order to survive as a species, humans have had to adapt to these trends for thousands of years. My point is that we are too small to have any major factor in the earth's temperature- no matter how many gasoline cars we drive (or don't drive) or how much coal we burn. Sure, when we go into ice ages, there is plight and people die. Through that, we learn to adapt and become stronger and better suited for the next go'round. During the last little ice age, we didn't grow hot house tomatoes nor did we harvest wheat in the US. Since then, we have adapted to become the largest producers of wheat in the world. We can ship lettuce from California to any where in the country. Less will die, and the cycle goes on...
I like the climate change living in the northwest. We get a little bit of it all but not too much of any.

Now if late night darkness followed by early morning light were to change I would begin to worry.
Global warming, to hell with the dang crops...LOL... I love the heat myself
Now snowstorms in the middle east..........


Yup....Things are really heating up around here.

wasn't someone saying when "hell freezes over", that could be interpreted as the Middle East today {not necessarily Jerusalem per say, not trying to offend anybody, just the troubled area around Israel is pretty damn bad, Muslims starting wars & killing everyone, in the name of Allah/God}
wasn't someone saying when "hell freezes over", that could be interpreted as the Middle East today {not necessarily Jerusalem per say, not trying to offend anybody, just the troubled area around Israel is pretty damn bad, Muslims starting wars & killing everyone, in the name of Allah/God}

Bawwhahahahaha! Funny! Good job on the disclaimer Bud..hehehehe
Am I missing something here?

When it rains, it's global warming.
When it doesn't rain, it's global warming.
When it snows, it's global warming.
When it doesn't snow, it's global warming.
When it's hot, it's global warming.
When it's cold, it's global warming.
When there's a hurricane, it's global warming.
When there's a blizzard, it's global warming.

- - - Updated - - -

Here comes Santa Claus,
Here comes Santa Claus,
Right down Santa Claus......

Oh wait

the SKY is falling you know:icon_rolleyes::eusa_doh::tongue3:

Now get that crap out of our gas!!!
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