I vividly remember what a mess after Mt St. Hellens
blew 1/2 of the mountain away, it's still active too...
I drove by it almost 2 years later going up to Alaska
still wasn't anything growing & the ash was still all over
all the mud slides & debris everywhere, rivers rerouted
trees still laying over for miles & miles...
Roads still buried houses still gone & never rebuilt
Mother Nature is one cruel B.I.T.C.H when she wants to be
like a dog with fleas flicking US off if she wants
When I lived in Alaska in the mid 80's
we had a bunch of volcanic activity
it was crazy...
Nothing really too near to Palmer or Anchorage, where my places were
or where I worked, way up north Prudhoe Bay...
But it did messed up our helicopter rides, going south
to get out from up north a few times...
Huge detours...