Years ago the wife (then girlfriend) and I backpacked around Europe - Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, France and Spain. One of the places we went to was Barcelona. Getting off the subway there from Normandy, I think, we were assaulted too. We were walking up the stairs to exit the subway and three women started walking down toward us. One of them was holding a piece of cardboard, flat, in front of her about waist high. She walked right into me begging for change and stuck the cardboard against my waist. The other two were trying to distract me while the one with the piece of cardboard tried to hide her hand with the cardboard while she tried to pickpocket me. I knew exactly what she was doing, grabbed her arm and nearly tossed her *** down the rest of the stairs while telling her to F-off. The other two ran the other way. My wife didn't know what was going on and was yelling at me until I explained it to her.
Later on in this same trip, we were traveling by train, from Spain to France I think, and were in a sleeping cart. These carts had 6 beds, 3 stacked on each side. I was on one side, the wife on the other in the bottom beds. Our packs were on the middle bed above my wife. I was half asleep, it was probably about 2AM and thought I heard something. I looked over to my wife and saw a person standing at her side. I thought I was dreaming at first then realized that this dude was trying to unzip our packs. I got up real quick and he took off and out the door. By the time I got to the door he was gone. There was another American couple standing guard over their mountain bikes in the aisle and were like what the F just happened. Pretty crazy stuff. Other than that, it was a great trip!