I used to doodle in school
I was required to draw/render in Mechanical Drawing/drafting/Architectual classes
HS & College, never was a good artist, freehand style, but I did mechanical well
don't do any of it now
every so often I'll draw something out
either sketch it for something I want to build or with detentions
never really showed any didn't keep them, after I was done
I did some cool 53-56 F100 truck doodles when young
or Altereds, I got caught quite a few times doodling
instead of doing my school work, sent to the principals office
I was obsessed with them trucks, my stepdad had a HotRod version
I learned to drive in it, on a real stick & a real clutch in at 10 y/o
(rode many bikes carts with shifters, isn't the same)
I have a 49 Ford Tudor racecar version somewhere put away
in Candy Purple
my Mom & 2 of my sisters are great artists
my Mom could paint & draw both 'really well'
my older sister Lori, could do cartoon stuff & freehand stuff really well
I lost interest as I got older
I was always drawn to (no pun intended),
Big Daddy Ed Roth's Rat Fink style of drawings