Well-Known Member
just ordered $1500 in parts... I did the mistake of pulling the receits last night. don't get me wrong love my car, but the cash going in it is sick. the 440 conversion went way over budget(and now i keep getting all fuzzy when i look at heads and mister kits) , the 727 rebuild with mods was over a grand to get a push button for a big block... the rear end build was fun to build but still big $ even with lots of boneyard diving, and it had to have disc brakes didn't it? oh and front wheel locks so the rear end can do proper smokers at the shows. whats the point of big exhaust with out cut outs, so a set of doug's , buddies says while we are here lets put flame throwers...then it was a welder so i could install the frame ties. now i am looking at the interior and the paint. car is got way more $ in it already then i could recoup. should have picked up a crack pipe instead of my dodge.