1st off I'm not a trans expert... Have you called B&M yet ?, or have you tried to talk to a trans expert yet ? {maybe the guy who rebuilt the trans}, Are you sure it's the converter, that is the issue ?, it seems like, that's kind of the opposite thing that normally happens... "If you just had the trans rebuilt", it could possibly be a bunch of different things happening, what did they do & what parts were changed/added when the trans was rebuilt ?, is it a manual valve body, stock or just a shift kit or what ?, what are the line pressures ?, were any specific mods made to the converter or trans ?, are the bands new & are they adjusted correctly ?, Is the Throttle Pressure Valve linkage {also know as kick down linkage/lever} adjusted properly or do you even use 1 ? {a manual valve body won't require a TPV linkage}, does the fluid smell burnt or look different ?, are there any metalic or other particles in the pan/fluid ?, are there any other symptoms ?, can you be more specific on the symptoms?... Maybe an expert can chime in here...