I just don't like the idea of having to cut out and replace a length of wire when a fusable link blows. Also they usually wind up in the least accessable location and it takes an hour just to get to the damn thing, especially in newer cars where they like to hide them behind the headliner and other rediclous places. When wiring a car from scratch its just easier for me to place a simple fuse in an accessable location to protect that circut rather than a fusable link. Then if the circuit blows I don't have to crawl under the dash or remove carpeting to replace a fusable link, all I have to do is pop out a fuse and slip in a new one. Guess I'm just old fashoned.Centerline, Mark is a pretty bright guy, The fuseable links are a pain but really are very reliable. I imagine slow blow fuses make it nicer, Ive not tired replacing fuseable links with fuses but would like to know why you like them better?